Interview with Akanksha Kulkarni (Akanksshaa ) | Bestselling Author | Well-being Coach and Business Coach | LinkedIn Top Business Coaching Voice | Chopra Meditation and Health Teacher | Positive Intelligence Coach | Keynote Speaker

Akanksha Kulkarni

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Akanksshaa Kulkarni for an exclusive interview with us.

She helps individuals & organizations align purpose, rewire mind, raise vibration, enrich well-being to live a life of abundance and freedom. Akanksshaa has extensive diverse experience, in coaching/ training/ mentoring/ leading/ strategic planning/ program management & innovation (includes 20+ of corporate experience in IT & Finance areas). She has received several awards in the corporate world. She has done an MBA from one of the top B schools in India.

She is currently pursuing PhD in Education Psychology. She combines neuroscience, positive psychology and spirituality based eclectic techniques in her programs. She believes in an intuitive, meaningful, playful yet structured approach. She has been a corporate facilitator for senior leaders.

She has coached senior / exec corporate leaders in her exclusive coaching programs. She has thousands of students across all ages in her several online programs.

Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, her background, and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Akanksshaa:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I wear many hats in my professional journey. I call myself a multi-potentialite. I’m a Chopra Meditation & Health Teacher, Well-being Coach, Business Coach, Bestselling Author, Positive Intelligence Coach, Keynote Speaker, and an Ex-IBMer.

With the honour of being recognized as a LinkedIn Top Business Coaching Voice, I’m deeply passionate about helping individuals and organizations discover their purpose, rewire their mind, raise their vibration, and enrich their overall well-being to live lives filled with abundance and freedom.

My background is marked by diverse experiences, encompassing coaching, training, mentoring, leadership, strategic planning, program management, and innovation, with over 20 years of corporate experience in IT and Finance.

Throughout my career, I’ve received several prestigious awards in the corporate world. I hold an MBA from one of India’s top B schools and am currently pursuing a PhD in Education Psychology.

In my programs, I blend elements of neuroscience, positive psychology, and spirituality, creating an eclectic mix of techniques that I believe can lead to transformative results. My approach is intuitive, meaningful, playful, yet structured, allowing my clients to thrive.”

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of being a corporate facilitator for senior leaders, and I’ve coached numerous senior and executive corporate leaders through my exclusive coaching programs. Additionally, I’ve impacted the lives of thousands of students of all ages through my various online programs.

In 2020, I faced a profound personal loss when my only son, Arnav, crossed over. This heartbreaking event led to a spiritual awakening, and I found solace in connecting with and seeking guidance from higher realms and dimensions. Arnav has now become my angel and spirit guide, inspiring me to write and publish a book titled The Untold Legend: Rise of A Mother in just thirty days. This book, guided by Arnav and higher beings, swiftly became a number one bestseller in the special education category and achieved bestseller ranking in the well-being, education, biology, and journals categories.

To honour my son’s memory and continue his legacy, I founded the Arnav Memorial Foundation, a non-profit organization with a mission to enrich health and well-being and expand consciousness through holistic education and scientific research interventions.”

My journey is a testament to resilience, personal growth, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

Akanksha Kulkarni

How did you discover your calling?

Discovering one’s calling/life purpose is a deeply personal and often evolving journey. It’s a process of self-discovery and self-awareness that can be influenced by various life experiences. Your calling is not stagnant. Here are some key steps and experiences that contributed to my discovery of my calling:

1. Alignment with my soul’s blueprint: I listened to my intuition, what my soul’s nudges and nudges from the universe. It’s a source of wisdom that goes beyond conscious thought. By actively listening to your intuition, you’re tapping into a profound source of guidance. This inner wisdom can help you make decisions, navigate challenges, and find your true path in life. I connect with my soul/ higher self, my guides, and the universe in meditation. The universe communicates through messages in meditations or dreams, signs, and synchronicities. This alignment It’s a path that involves trust, patience, and an open heart. By embracing this alignment, you are not only guided by your intuition and the universe, but you also contribute to a life that is in harmony with your true purpose and calling. It’s a beautiful and transformative process that can lead to a profound sense of fulfilment and contentment.

2. Exploration: I explored different fields, roles, and industries. I sought diverse experiences to understand what truly resonated with me and where my interests lay. This exploration allowed me to gain exposure to various professional settings, each providing valuable insights into what I was passionate about. I was bold and confident, and I took risks whenever I shifted my career based on my calling.

3. Self-Reflection: I dedicated time to self-reflection, both personally and professionally. I considered what brought me joy, what activities I felt most engaged in, and where I saw the potential to make a positive impact. Journaling and meditation played a significant role in this process, helping me gain clarity on my values and aspirations.

4. Seeking Coaches and Mentorship: I sought guidance from coaches, mentors and experienced individuals who had walked similar paths. Their advice and insights were invaluable in helping me recognize my strengths, interests, and areas where I could excel. Their encouragement and belief in my potential played a pivotal role in my journey.

5. Aligning Values and Passions: I identified the causes, issues, or subjects that deeply resonated with me. For me, it was a blend of coaching, mentoring, promoting well-being, and fostering inclusive work cultures. Recognizing these passions helped me understand what I wanted to contribute to the world.

6. Synchronicities, Serendipity, and Life Experiences: Sometimes, our callings emerge from unexpected experiences or chance encounters. My journey involved a serendipitous meeting, a life-changing book, or an inspiring conversation that opened my eyes to new possibilities and directions.

7. Experimenting: Through experiments, trial, and error, I explored different roles and opportunities. Some endeavours were more fulfilling than others, and I learned from each experience. This iterative process helped me refine my path and solidify my calling.

8. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: My journey of self-discovery and finding my calling has been ongoing. I remain open to new possibilities, embrace change, and continuously seek opportunities for personal and professional growth.

In summary, the key is to be attentive to your inner voice, stay true to your values, and be open to the journey of self-discovery. I now help individuals and organizations align purpose, in a structured way using signature Chopra coaching methodology and other proven methodologies. Life is meaningful and fulfilling only when you have alignment with your soul’s purpose.

How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?

Despite the hard challenges I’ve encountered along my journey, several factors keep me motivated and determined to keep moving forward. Here’s how I manage to stay resilient and what drives me:

1. My connection with my son, spirit guides and Divine: The bond with my son is a precious and profound source of motivation. My son, spirit guides and the universe/ divine offer me guidance, wisdom, support, and protection. These connections help me navigate life’s challenges with a deeper sense of trust and faith. These connections act as a grounding force, providing both emotional and spiritual support. They can remind me of the bigger picture and the importance of my journey. These connections are a source of strength, and they empower me to persevere through life’s challenges with a sense of purpose and support.

2. Clear Sense of Purpose: Having a clear sense of purpose is a powerful motivator. I’ve identified my calling and the impact I want to make in the world. This overarching purpose guides my decisions and actions, especially during challenging times. It reminds me of the greater meaning behind my efforts.

3. Growth Mindset: Embracing a growth mindset means seeing challenges as opportunities for learning and development. Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, I view them as stepping stones to growth. This mindset shift helps me maintain a positive outlook and remain resilient in the face of adversity. A thirst for knowledge and self-improvement drives me. I constantly seek opportunities for learning and personal growth, which helps me stay motivated and adapt to changing circumstances.

4. Passion and Commitment: I’m deeply passionate about what I do, which fuels my com-mitment to overcoming challenges. When you love your work and believe in its significance, it’s easier to find the strength to persevere, even when the going gets tough.

5. Support System: A strong support system is invaluable. I surround myself with coaches, healers, mentors, colleagues, friends, and family who offer encouragement, guidance, and a listening ear. Their belief in me and their willingness to help me navigate challenges is a powerful motivator.

6. Resilience and grit: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. I’ve developed resilience through past experiences of overcoming challenges and setbacks. Each time I face a new obstacle, I draw upon my resilience to stay focused and determined.

7. Focus on Solutions: Instead of dwelling on problems, I focus on finding solutions. This proactive approach helps me tackle challenges head-on and maintain a sense of control over my circumstances. I break down complex issues into manageable steps and work toward resolution.

8. Adaptability: Being adaptable is essential in today’s fast-paced world. I’m willing to embrace change and adjust my strategies when needed. This flexibility allows me to stay relevant and navigate uncertainties effectively.

9. Self-love and Self-Care: Taking care of my physical and mental well-being is crucial. Self-care practices, including regular exercise, meditation, and mindfulness, help me recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Loving myself through all my imperfections and working on becoming who I am meant to drive me through all obstacles.

In essence, my driving force is a combination of Divine support, purpose, passion, resilience, a supportive network, and a proactive mindset. These elements, together with a commitment to self-care and adaptability, provide the motivation and determination I need to keep going, even when faced with formidable challenges.

Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?

My biggest source of inspiration is my son Arnav, my higher self, Ganesha, Goddess Tara, and other higher beings that I connect with on a spiritual level. As I access higher dimensions/realms, I get guidance and inspiration from them to carry on my mission, my life purpose and to walk towards self-actualization and self-realization.

On a personal level, I’ve had the privilege to meet and interact with many individuals throughout my journey. While it’s challenging to single out one specific person, I draw inspiration from the diverse group of people I’ve encountered, each contributing in their unique way to my motivation: my teachers, coaches and mentors, book authors, colleagues, friends, family, my clients, and some contemporary leaders.

Many of them have deeply impacted me and brought in a long-lasting transformation within me. My inner drive, curiosity to know the profound universe, our existence and commitment to personal and spiritual growth and contribution to others serve as a powerful source of motivation and inspiration. I am motivated by the desire to continuously learn, evolve, and make a positive impact on the world.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?

Here are some strategies that have helped me grow as a person:

1. Investing time, money, and efforts in continuous learning and upskilling: Lifelong learning is a cornerstone of personal growth. I’ve recognized the importance of staying updated with new knowledge, skills, and trends. Investing in courses, books, workshops, and seeking out mentors has allowed me to continually expand my horizons and adapt to the evolving world.

2. Self-discipline and daily spiritual practices and rituals: Consistency in self-discipline and daily spiritual practices is essential for personal growth. These practices, whether meditation, journaling, or mindfulness exercises, help me stay grounded, maintain a clear mind, and enhance my emotional well-being.

3. Experimenting & fearlessly taking bold risks: Taking bold risks and embracing change has been a catalyst for growth. It’s through calculated experimentation that we discover our limits and potential. Stepping out of my comfort zone has led to valuable experiences and opportunities for self-discovery.

4. Resilience; overcoming trauma and immense grief: Life inevitably presents challenges, including trauma and grief. Building resilience involves acknowledging these experiences, seeking support when needed, and using adversity as a catalyst for growth. It’s through these difficult times that we often discover our greatest inner strength.

5. Keeping an open mind without judgment: An open mind is a fertile ground for personal growth. I’ve cultivated the habit of actively listening to diverse perspectives without judgment. It allows me to challenge my assumptions, broaden my understanding, and become more empathetic and open to new ideas and opportunities.

6. Keeping an open heart; choosing love over fear: Choosing love over fear involves approaching life with compassion, empathy, and positivity. This mindset shift has allowed me to build stronger relationships, foster a more inclusive and supportive environment, and overcome challenges with resilience and grace.

7. Learning from others’ experiences and inspiring stories: The experiences and stories of others are invaluable sources of learning. I make it a practice to seek inspiration from the journeys of those who have faced similar challenges and achieved remarkable growth. These stories serve as a reminder that growth is always possible.

8. Not just reinventing myself, but literally dying of my older version and being reborn as anew: Personal growth often requires shedding old beliefs, habits, and identities. This metaphorical death and rebirth process can be uncomfortable but is transformative. It involves letting go of what no longer serves you and embracing a new, authentic self.

Incorporating these strategies into my life has been a continuous and evolving process. They have helped me become a more adaptable, empathetic, and resilient individual. Personal growth is an ongoing journey, and by embracing these strategies, I’ve found the path to be more fulfilling and meaningful.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

Success is a multifaceted concept, and what it means can vary from person to person. However, there are certain fundamental keys to holistic success that are generally applicable and can help individuals achieve their goals and aspirations. Here are some key principles that contribute to success:

> Finding your soul’s blueprint, life purpose and calling

> Clear Vision of what you want to achieve; it’s your guiding north star.

> Alignment with core values and beliefs

> Intuitive Guidance: trusting your gut feelings and following your inner compass and inner wisdom

> Resilience to bounce back from adversity, learn from failures, and persevere.

> Commitment and Dedication; including self-discipline and spiritual practices/rituals

> Flow state and Inspired action; where time seems to fly by, and you’re fully absorbed in your tasks.

> Creative Problem Solving

> Continuous Learning to remain relevant and adapt to new challenges.

> Adaptability and flexibility are essential in a dynamic and ever-changing world; to be willing to pivot when needed, and not be bound by rigid thinking.

> Curiosity and sincerity

> Loving and accepting myself without requiring external validation

> Effective Strategy, Planning and Organization

> Building meaningful relationships and deeper connections, Networking and Collaboration

> Emotional Intelligence: staying centred and grounded amongst all chaos and challenges

> Gratitude: practising gratitude and recognizing your accomplishments

It’s important to remember that success is a personal journey, and the keys to success may vary from one individual to another. What’s most vital is to define what success means to you, set your goals accordingly, and incorporate these key principles to help you achieve your version of success.

You recently published a bestselling book: The Untold Legend: Rise of A Mother. What inspired you to write that book and how was your journey?

I had not planned on writing this book at all. It was through my son that this book was birthed. My son 17 year old son crossed over in 2020. and I am connected with him spiritually I’ve been a spiritual teacher for many years but the spiritual awakening that happened after he crossed over helped me connect with higher realms and higher dimensions.

He connects with me rather through dreams, meditations, signs, and synchronicities. This book is inspired by and written with spiritual downloads from him within 30 days! The title of the book (The Untold Legend) is the title that he had chosen for his book when he was physically here. I continued the same title.”

I had written a LinkedIn post on his birthday in 2022. Hundreds of people reached out to me as they could resonate with me. I realized the when something needs to be expressed from the depth of your soul, you need to express it at the risk of being vulnerable. Also, something deeply personal can be universal at the same time and sharing your experiences may help others navigate their life.

Akanksha Kulkarni

What advice would you give to our readers?

We are not just our physical body. We are multidimensional beings. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. We are infinite beings with infinite potential. When you find your life purpose (dharma) and align your life, you find joy, bliss, abundance, and freedom. When you have alignment with your life purpose, you are in the flow. Your “work” doesn’t feel like “work”; it’s your mission, your contribution to the world.

We are not here just to work 9 to 6 and live in an auto-pilot mode. We have certain inter-generational patterns and conditioning that we pick up because of our upbringing and society. We need to let go of all of that baggage. We need to let go of ego-based and fear-based paradigms and constructs. We give away our power by being stuck in the matrix.”

We all have designated spirit guides and angels. You can ask for guidance from your higher self, your spirit guides, and angels. These higher beings from higher realms/ dimensions have a very different view, a perspective across lifetimes and what you’re meant to experience in this lifetime. We are here to expand our consciousness, raise the vibration of individuals and collective and move into unity consciousness. We are here to serve in our own unique way.

What activities do you undertake as part of the foundation you set up in your son’s memory?

I established the Arnav Memorial Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) organization, in memory of my only son Arnav, who crossed over at the age of 17 in 2020. Arnav’s dream and divine guidance to expand consciousness and bring love, peace and harmony to the world is the inspiration for this foundation.

Arnav Memorial Foundation is dedicated to enriching health and well-being, delivering holistic education based on spirituality, psychology & science, expanding consciousness, and promoting world peace to all members of the human family. We collaborate with other organizations and conduct training/ coaching and mentoring initiatives/programs for kids/teens and women for holistic development and well-being. The details of our projects can be found on our website.

Can you share how you help entrepreneurs through your coaching/ training services?

I have designed a specific 12-week program for entrepreneurs. Limitless Soulpreneur is a premium and exclusive, deep transformational group coaching/ training/ mentoring program which consists of what they don’t teach you at B-school, but what you need to be a limitless, soul-aligned and successful entrepreneur.

We use tools and techniques based on Business, Neuroscience, Psychology, Quantum Physics, Epigenetics and Spirituality. The benefits of this program are: Razor Sharp Business Skills & heart-centred Business, Focused Financial well-being and stability, Intuitive decision-making, handling uncertainty, Clear Vision, Alignment, With Soul Purpose, eliminating anxiety and stress, Reduced Stress Hormones, Holistic Well-Being, Self-Love, Laser Focus, Goals Clarity, Calm Centered Mind, Discipline Driven Productivity, Resilience & Adaptability, Growth Mindset, Intrinsic Motivation & Confidence, Overcome Blocks & Limiting Beliefs, Co-Create Reality and Conscious Manifestation. I am offering one free coaching session coupled with one clarity session for this Limitless Soulpreneur program. Entrepreneurs are welcome to avail themselves of this opportunity.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Ashima Bedi | Mental Health Coach | Counsellor | Tarot Card Reader | Healer | Influencer

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