Interview with Aman Gupta | Investor | Entrepreneur | Managing Director at Indian

Aman Gupta

At BrilliantRead Media, our aim is to bring to our community some of the unique and compelling stories from the start-up ecosystem. As part of this endeavour, we invited yet another passionate entrepreneur Aman Gupta for an exclusive interview with us. Aman is a Leader, Mentor, Investor and Seasoned Entrepreneur. He is the Managing Director at Indian Let’s learn more about his inspirational journey and his advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Aman:

Before we move on to the entrepreneur side of the interview, please tell our readers about Aman Gupta and your amazing journey to entrepreneurship.

I was born and brought up in Delhi, did my schooling from DPS Mathura Road & graduated in B.Sc. Statistics Hons from Kirori Mal College, Delhi University.

I have always been extremely fond of Sports and Co-Curriculars and used to actively participate in both of these fields in my school and college days and even today when I get a chance.”

I am someone who loves to dream and I believe that for dreams to come true, the first and one of the most important part is to have dreams or goals in your life. I am someone who would never want to settle for anything but the best. Of course, nothing can happen without hard work, nothing at all. I also believe that it does not matter if your dreams come true or not, but it is important to give it a try.

While growing up, I always wanted to pursue Film Making and Acting, as a career and that is why after graduation, I Shifted to Mumbai for a while where I worked as an Assistant Director on Ad-Films for Google, MakeMyTrip, Nokia, Samsung etc.

While I was working in Mumbai, I met all kinds of people and over a period of a few months, I learned about Entrepreneurship and how the new age Entrepreneurs are changing the world for good by providing solutions to almost all day to day problems that exist in the society. I got extremely fascinated by the idea and decided to join my father in Real Estate Business with immediate effect.”

The next day I was in Delhi and joined operations with a target to bring about a change in how Real Estate Businesses in Delhi NCR work. Real Estate for many was a big hassle and a large chunk of society wanted to keep away from getting involved in Real Estate transactions because of the irregularities & lack of professionalism.

I started with a goal to provide people with an easy and stress-free environment while they are involved in any kind of Real Estate transaction.

‘Indian’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving?

Indian was a name that we came up with as a team. I believe names really do not matter, it’s the product that matters.

Who could have imagined a company that’s named after a fruit and sells consumer electronics, would become so big that today when you actually search for the fruit on google, it is actually that company’s information that comes first.”

Real Estate, I believe carries geographical limitation to a huge extent. Nobody can have the expertise or complete knowledge of Real estate in every part of the world. Since we are only committed to Real Estate in India, hence ‘Indian’. But that does not mean we will limit ourselves. We are here to grow indefinitely in the long term along with local collaborations from all parts of the world.

Our Main Aim is to provide people with a completely hassle-free and stress-free experience in Real Estate. Which is why we focus a lot on legal search, Paperwork, Terms and conditions, Basic amenities, ease of access and the absence of any negative influence around their Property.

Aman Gupta

What attracts you towards entrepreneurship instead of a corporate career?

I have always been pretty inclined towards working with full freedom for my ideas and implementing them for some improvement in the field. I am not saying that this is not possible in a corporate career, but it involves a little more formalities there.

Also, I do not believe entrepreneurship and corporate career can not go together. Every entrepreneur targets to have a corporate company set up someday. For that one has to keep making small changes from the very beginning of the entrepreneurship career within themselves and within the company.”

It is not easy to manage a corporate setup, that is why a company has to be fully prepared and backed up by various essentials before they can enter a corporate setup. The first and foremost being professionalism. I discuss and learn from all the corporate employees around me, be it, my friends or relatives, on how they work to achieve any target that they are given, and try to improve my working style in a similar way. I believe it is a long journey but it is important to achieve the small milestones on the way to reach there.

Who has been your greatest inspiration and why?

My Greatest Inspiration by far is my father. Since Childhood, I have always wanted to be like him. Ever since I have joined the business under his guidance, I have tried to learn as much as possible from him but the major learning has been Honesty and straightforwardness.

He is someone who would never comment on anything without doing proper research on it and would never give any advice for his own benefit. I have seen how he has advised buyers to not buy our self-owned properties even when we were offered a good price because he did not believe it was well suited for them. So with the same attitude, I am moving forward in my life. He also believes in the fact that if you do good, you get good, no matter what the situation is.

Also, I remember that in the very initial phase of my work life, another person who has been one of my greatest inspirations, Mr J.C Chaudhry (Chairman of Aakash Educational Services Limited) told me that the most important part of any Entrepreneurship journey is to be Genuine and work for the betterment of the society. His advice was of utmost importance and I have been trying to build my career on these principles.

I am someone who loves to take inspiration from a lot of people, no matter what they do. I believe that every person has that one special thing about them and if I am able to learn it from them, it’ll help me somewhere or the other in life.

What are your thoughts on the current real estate market?

Our Country has gone through a tough time lately. I have myself had a tough time after I lost some loved ones to this disease and I wish and pray for everybody’s wellness out there.

Real Estate has been changing significantly ever since the pandemic started in 2020. The demand for luxurious homes has increased. People are focusing on improving their quality of life. We have seen a sudden surge in the prices of residential plots in Gurgaon and Noida. Terraces have been a major attraction for buyers in Delhi NCR.

Demand for Commercial properties for investments has gone up, even though the rentals have gone down a little with a hope to improve significantly in the near future.

We are expecting a substantial improvement in Real Estate pricing over the next 4-5 years especially after the huge surge that we have seen in Stock Market and Gold.

I believe this is the right time to start any business activity on a rental basis because of the discounted rents. Also for investors, it is a great time to invest in Commercial Properties and Plots in NCR for price appreciation.

You are always positive and motivated, what keeps you going?

Oh, I look forward to every day. I wake up every day to achieve something. Not that I take the pressure if I am not able to, but I definitely try to achieve something every day. It starts from the smallest of things like paperwork, meeting new people or exploring new opportunities in Real Estate.

I am a staunch believer of the word ‘Karm’. I believe every little step of mine will help me reach my end goal. I have also been lucky enough to have a family and a bunch of friends who want to see me grow. My family and friends keep me positive and motivated. My Dreams keep me going.

Aman Gupta

What are your Business Goals? Where do you See ‘ Indian’ in 5 years’ time?

I don’t like to have monetary goals for what I do. I do not want anyone to value my work in monetary terms. Which is why we as a company have never discussed our earnings from any venture.

I want to see Indian, reach a position where we can assist people in their Real Estate Transactions and also Sell our Builder ventures to our customers in a highly professional and transparent manner. I want to share our way of working with more and more consultants and builders in Delhi NCR so that we can all grow together. My 5-year goal for Indian is to have a big enough team to cater to most of the population in Delhi NCR.

Also, we at Indian want to contribute towards the betterment of society on a ground-level basis as well. We have taken up the initiative of planting more and more trees beginning from South Delhi.

Now that we know about your professional goals, what are your personal goals? What is it that you want to achieve by the time you are 50?

Personal goals keep changing until you become mature enough. When I was 16, I used to think I am mature enough to decide what I want to do and where I want to be in the next 20 years, but when I look back, I feel I was extremely foolish.

But as of today, I want to expand more in Real Estate and also venture into the field of hospitality and retail alongside my main business of Real Estate by the time I am 50. I also feel like having a good family life and work-life balance would be a nice thing to have at that age. Like many in the world, I do not want to retire by 50. I want to keep working till I am alive.

Given the rapid pace at which the world is changing, what are the leadership traits that are necessary for success?

I do not know what are leadership skills that one needs to be successful since I believe I am not successful as yet. There is a long way to go. But Leadership is a very important quality. One should know how to manage and get the best out of every team member.

I personally believe everyone should give it a try somewhere or the other beginning from school events. Try and work with as many people as possible to be a good leader.

A good leader does not have to be someone with authority. A good leader is someone who understands situations and people and also believes in his decision making. A good leader is not someone who does not fail but someone who learns from failures.

We would love to know your advice for all those starting out as an aspiring entrepreneur?

I believe an entrepreneur must do things that He/She feel are correct. One should always take advice but do what they feel is right at any given time. The best thing about entrepreneurship is that no matter what your decision is, if it works, it’s good. If it does not, you learn.

Never take risks in situations where it can be a problem for someone else who trusts you or your business.

Also, don’t be afraid to try and learn new things. If you live by your fears, everything that could go wrong will go wrong.

Patience is important. Everybody can not reach the top. Appreciate where you are and keep working hard to grow more.

Try to take up productive activities in your free time. Never do anything to impress anyone but yourself.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview With Rohit Sringeri | Founder And Chief Executive At MAYSONS Realty

BrilliantRead is committed to bringing stories from the startup ecosystem, stories that reshape our perspective, add value to our community and be a constant source of motivation not just for our community but also for the whole ecosystem of entrepreneurs and aspiring individuals.
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