Interview with Devika Bhide Pethe | Certified Yoga Master | Influencer

Devika Bhide Pethe

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Devika Bhide Pethe for an exclusive interview with us. Devika is a Certified Yoga Master and an Influencer. Let’s learn more about her background, her journey and her advice for our community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Devika: 

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I am an Ayush Certified Yoga Master with an MA in Yogashastra. My journey into yoga has been a profound transformation marked by early struggles due to uninformed decisions. After completing my  10th grade, I pursued commerce to align with my twin’s aspirations, despite my passion for science.

Subsequently, I entered the world of Chartered Accountancy, where I passed the initial levels but found myself plagued by anxiety as I approached the final exams. This led me to law, following family tradition, yet neither path resonated with my true self.

It was only when I discovered yoga that I began to heal. Yoga provided me with clarity, confidence, and a deep sense of belonging. While practicing law, I completed my teacher training, and thereafter during lockdown, I embraced my calling as a yoga teacher. I am immensely grateful for this journey,    as the challenges I faced have equipped me with the insights to understand and support my clients more effectively.

Though the journey was meandering, it was also enlightening. I realized that real knowledge doesn’t always come with certificates. The mental and physical struggles I went through now help me connect better with my students and clients. 

I understand their challenges, and I never dismiss anyone’s problems, no matter how small. This has given me a lot of strength. Doing CA and law were necessary parts of my journey to becoming a yoga teacher and a healer.

How did you discover your passion?

My passion for yoga came from my personal struggles. In 2018, when my doctor recommended yoga for my health, I didn’t know anything about it. But once I started practising, I saw profound changes in my life.

Without medication or altering my external circumstances, I began to feel more confident, clear-headed, and happy. Yoga gave me the clarity to focus on what mattered and the courage to leave behind my previous career path.

It was also around this time that I wondered why I hadn’t been introduced to yoga earlier. It’s such an ancient, effective science, and yet it wasn’t something I encountered in school or from society. That realization inspired me to spread the message myself. I wanted to share this knowledge with as many people as possible.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

Through my experiences and the philosophy of yoga, I’ve come to understand that life is dual in nature. With every positive, there will be a negative it’s inevitable.

I no longer get carried away by the highs and lows like I used to. Regular asana, pranayama, and meditation practices help me stay balanced.

When times are tough, I often write about my experiences. As I mentioned earlier, not all lessons come with degrees and certificates. My past struggles have shaped who I am today, and my present challenges will help me grow stronger tomorrow.

Though struggles feel difficult in the moment, writing and reflecting on them later reveals their wisdom. I’ve been journaling since school, and now my diary is a way for me to track my growth and lessons.

Devika Bhide Pethe

What are the most important lessons you have learned in your life?

> Life happens the way you vibrate. Your body and mind are energy fields, so you must nourish them properly—chanting mantras, eating life-filled foods, staying active, and consuming positive information. The way you vibrate shapes your reality.

> Each of us has a unique inner world. In this age of constant information overload, it’s easy to lose sight of our originality. Yoga helps us tap into our true selves, allowing our unique energy to find expression.

> We don’t control everything in life. I didn’t choose where I was born, people I met, circumstances that came my way or when yoga would find me. Letting go of my ego and allowing life to unfold freely has been one of the most important lessons for me. Your luck or misfortune isn’t in your hands, but how you walk the path that comes your way is.

> The soul is ancient and full of wisdom. It deserves respect. The person you are in this life also deserves love and care. So, make it a habit to love yourself a little more every day.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

Success starts with how you vibrate.

– Take care of yourself first—your health, your food, and your lifestyle. Live simply, but gracefully.

– Meditation is essential for reducing mental chatter. It gives you clarity,  peace, and time to focus on what matters. Accept your uniqueness and don’t fear anything.

– Understand that if you do the work, the results will follow. Results are fleeting, but the energy you generate by working is what stays with you.

– When you work, you feel confident and positive; when you don’t, negativity takes root. So, stay active, and your spirit will remain high.

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

There’s a beautiful concept in yoga called Purushartha, the four pillars of life: Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.

Dharma: Understand your natural responsibilities, not based on societal structures, but what flows effortlessly through you. This is your purpose.

Artha: Once you know your Dharma, Artha, or earning, follows naturally. Your work will reflect your unique strengths.

Kama: With Artha, you fulfil your desires, ensuring they are balanced and in alignment with your path.

Moksha: When all aspects of life—responsibility, wealth, desire—are in harmony, you achieve liberation and peace.

Today, we tend to prioritize desires (Kama) first, then chase money (Artha) and, finally, reluctantly fulfil our responsibilities (Dharma). This distorts the balance of life. Discover what aligns with you, and peace will follow.

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

Initially, I made choices based on desire, like pursuing CA and law. But now that I’ve found my Dharma, my life feels incredibly aligned. Even on tough days, I trust the flow of energy within me.

It’s satisfying to know that what’s meant to come through me will always find a way. And sharing this knowledge, learning continuously, and seeing others heal through yoga that makes this journey deeply rewarding.

Life happens the way you vibrate, and I feel lucky to vibrate with such purpose.

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Phone – +91-8087404292
Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Komal Sodhi | Certified Yoga Teacher | Owner at Komal Yoga and Fitness Studio

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