Interview with Mehek Wadhwa | Holistic Wellbeing Coach | Yoga Instructor | NLP Practitioner | Influencer

Mehek Wadhwa

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this, we invited Mehek Wadhwa for an exclusive interview with us. She is a Holistic Wellbeing Coach, Yoga Instructor, NLP Practitioner and Influencer. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, background and advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Mehek: 

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

My professional journey so far has helped me cross-pollinate ideas across a wide variety of industry sectors, including Human Development, Computer Graphic Designing, Animation, Multimedia, Yoga, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Pranic Healing etc.

After my Graduation from “Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science”, the special Elective being ‘Human Development’, I took a course in “Computer Graphics Designing, Animation & Multimedia”. Worked in that field for about a decade or so. And since 2015 diversified to pursue different levels of Yoga Teacher Training Courses. Also, dived deeper into Neuro Linguistic Programming since 2017.  Currently, I conduct “Holistic Wellbeing Sessions”, integrating Pranayama, Hasta Mudras, Yoga Asanas, etc.

Mehek Wadhwa

How did you discover your passion? 

Was clear that I wanted flexible work timings to have Life & work balance, Yoga had helped me in various stages of life, and so the journey began.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

As a teenager I learnt, it’s a blessing to be born as a “Human Being” out of the 84 Lakhs Species. The many blessings that we have, sometimes our focus shifts from blessings to challenges.

Challenges come to help us realize our strengths or look at a situation from a different perspective or so to say “As it is”, rather than the lens through which we are looking at it.

Divine’s Grace keeps me going when things get tough

The Triumph experienced after having faced the challenges is what keeps me going.

Many Great Human life stories keep me going.

Care and love of my family & friends help me going when things get tough.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

> Meditation & Pranayama are life Propellors

> Be Authentic

> It’s all going to be fine, yes one does need to work & believe towards fine.

Mehek Wadhwa

What are some of the best practices you advise your clients and how does it help them? 

3 best practices for participants of the sessions I conduct:

1) Nishpand Bhav practice of listening and relaxing, there are very many benefits of this practice, participants feel calm & relaxed, their concentration improves etc.

2) Clavicular breathing techniques, participants have experienced feeling more energetic from the 3rd session itself with regular practice.

3) Trigun Sadhana

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

There are many factors and if you really have to have the key elements then to me these are the ones:

– Accepting & Loving myself.

– Taking Responsibility for my actions.

– Standing up for myself.

– Focusing on my strengths.

– Curiosity, Growth Mindset.

– Positive Attitude.

– Taking action (execution) with empowering belief.

– Being persistent, and consistent in efforts.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

1) Change is the only constant (Anitya Bhavana)

2) Ask and you shall receive when the time is right

3) Sat Chit Anand, it’s OK to experience a variety of emotions, going through life, challenges may come, but ultimately we are all Blissful Peaceful Happy Soul.

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

Find what you love doing. Figure out why you want to do it. Give it your heart and Soul. Make sure your contribution is adding value to mankind. From time to time keep taking time to relax & actively participate in leisure activities. Upskill as and when possible.

Devote balanced time to personal & professional life & growth.  Sometimes when one feels stuck, first searching for answers within, and next reaching out for guidance is a good option, yet to customize and apply the solution, to one’s own situation requires discriminative knowledge.

Mehek Wadhwa

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

The testimonials of participants of workshops / classes that I conducted.

The blissful smile participants of my sessions have post the session, and how they are feeling peaceful, more energetic, & calm.

My neighbor an ex-bank manager said she was inspired by my Yoga journey and now she is on the verge of completing her Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Course.

My childhood friend’s daughter pursued her Yoga Teacher training course, after taking a few one-on-one yoga sessions from me.

My daughter’s school friend’s mother, my husband’s school friend’s wife, another of my Yoga class participant, and a cousin sister, have been inspired by me and are now certified Yoga teachers.

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Latest workshop: 
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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Komal Sodhi | Certified Yoga Teacher | Owner at Komal Yoga and Fitness Studio

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