Interview With Pooja Saran | Core Behaviour Investigator | Hypnotherapist | Graphotherapist | NLP | Life Design Consultant 

This week we invited Pooja Saran – Core Behaviour Analyst, working with powerful modalities of Hypnotherapy, NLP and Handwriting Analysis to throw light on the prevailing issues of stress, anxiety and depression. She shares her understanding and experience dealing with individuals underlying challenge. 

Excerpts from our conversation with her:

How can everyday stress make us ill?

It’s quite easy to understand actually. We all know, we are made out of 50 trillion cells and every day hundreds of billions of our cells are dying of normal attrition. Skin cells are sloughing off, hair cells are coming off, and the entire lining of our digestive tract is replaced every three days. Now, what does this mean, that this massive amount of growth that is required every day and our stem cells have to replace hundreds of billions of cells as part of growth and maintenance, Right? Now let’s say, you are being chased by a wild bear, you’ll have to allocate all the energy to run and save yourself from it, for that your body system will have to shut off the immune system which uses a lot of energy but by definition, you also shut off maintenance of the body because that uses a lot of energy as well. Now, our regular day in life dealing with Boss, Target, Kids and Assignments is nothing less than the Wild Bear chasing us. Our brains get hijacked by Amygdala only trying to save ourselves with Fight/Flight/Freeze responses. 

How does it affect our mental health?

The consequence of having a stressor (a wild bear-like deadline, career, job, love, relationships) in our world it actually shuts off both the fundamental things that keep us healthy and alive first, the immune system and second the normal growth and maintenance of the body, because now the energy for those are being redirected to protect us from the threat. Another consequence of stress, if the stressor doesn’t go away (constant deadlines, family worries, physical danger), the brain cannot return to its previous, relaxed state. You can start suffering from insomnia and headaches or become irritable.

How is the lockdown period taking a tool on our mental illness?

With Covid-19 casting a shadow over the state, several psychiatrists are voluntarily coming forward to help people deal with issues like stress, depression, anxiety, and even obsessive-compulsive disorders. I say Covid-19 is not the only concern. It’s the basic understanding of how emotions work, it’s crucial at this stage that every child and every adult should have an awareness of “What are Emotions and how our Mind reacts to it”. Once we know WHAT and WHY, we are well equipped to know HOW to deal with it. This is the time we all should initiate bringing EQ (Emotional Quotient) in the curriculum along with IQ (Intelligence Quotient) for providing tools to the new generation for handling situations like COVID in future

How can we overcome the devastating disease ‘depression’?

If you want to cure depression you really need to understand what the depression is all about. In my experience dealing with so many clients with depression, I found there are three big things that cause depression. And if you know what they are that will help you to get over it.

First, Depression is caused by harsh, hurtful, critical words that you say to yourself on a daily basis. When you are harsh, hurtful and critical about yourself it will make you depressed. Imagine you had a roommate who every day was hurtful, harsh and critical to you. You try to get them out of your life but when you’re the critic, when you’re harsh, hurtful and critical you can’t get out of your own life. The Second cause of depression is failing to follow your heart’s desire, fearing judgment, guilt, under confidence, not feeling worth or good enough. 

And the third major cause of depression is feeling disconnected. As a matter of fact, our brains are wired to connect, the discovery of mirror neurons proves we are born empaths. Times and Technology have shifted us from Tribes to Facebook, where we seem connected from outside but deep within we crave for that tribe, our people, or that someone who completely understands us.

Depression is nothing but “deep- pression” of one of the above three emotions and needs not been met.

We can cure it just by investigating the missing link and resolving it from the root.

How do you motivate your clients?

It’s easier for me to get in the shoes of my clients and understand what’s happening as I myself started my journey with the struggle to be the popular girl in school and a happy teenager at home. Feeling unwanted, depressed, anxious and never good enough, trying to find my way swimming against the tide. I landed up with the curiosity of why parents, friends, teachers, parents, siblings, bosses, colleagues, boyfriends, in-laws, neighbours and others behave the way they do. My curiosity made me an observer and a listener, listening to 1000’s of stories from real people around me, inclined me to learn the science behind behaviours. Deep diving in Body Language, NLP, Handwriting Analysis & Hypnotherapy and a lot of research and training, I am now a passionate therapist and trainer of transforming inside out behavioural patterns through powerful tools of Handwriting, NLP, Body Language and Hypnosis.

My 20 Year of experience in the corporate world and 40 yrs of life experience today, helps me help my clients. I work with the passion of bringing AWARENESS for them to be empowered to deal with any emotion in future too. 


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