Interview With Ralsi Sharma | Founder And CEO At PeopleQ Consulting

Ralsi Sharma Founder And CEO At PeopleQ Consulting

In our latest interview, we spoke to Ralsi Sharma to understand more about her journey as a women entrepreneur. She is the Founder and CEO at PeopleQ Consulting. She worked with corporate companies at leadership positions before founding her own venture to leverage her skills. Her startup helps businesses to manage people effectively and leverage business growth through dedicated HR strategies, systems & processes. Let’s learn more about her journey and her advice for aspiring entrepreneurs!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Ralsi;


Tell us a little bit about yourself and your company, please;

I am a passionate woman and I keep learning every day from life, from those around us, from experiences. I am originally from Lucknow but moved to Gujarat for my studies and then to Mumbai in 2010.

Since I wanted a career where I can take complete charge of things and yet have flexibility to manage personal life, spend much more time with my son, I started PeopleQ Consulting in 2017 and it has been an exciting and meaningful journey so far. Before taking the plunge into entrepreneurship, I worked in the corporate & consulting sector in various HR roles. 

My startup helps businesses to manage people effectively and catalyse business growth through dedicated end to end HR Strategies, Systems & Processes.


Why did you choose entrepreneurship over a job?

I wanted to do something that is purposeful and meaningful in life.  Entrepreneurship lets you do what you love at your own terms. Plus, I would like to cite two more reasons why I chose it:

1 – It gives me an opportunity to learn and try stuff which I really want to. There is also no limit to how much you can learn. It opens other sides of you by bringing you out of your comfort zone.

2 – It allows flexibility. You can prioritise your work. There are no restrictions. If I want to be with my son/family, I can and when I want to work, I can. It lets me prioritise my work accordingly.


What gets you out of bed in the morning i.e. what’s your source of motivation?

I really enjoy sleeping so it has to be my alarm and to make my son get ready for school. (lol)

On a serious note, it is my vision that keeps me motivated. I want to do justice to all the roles I play – be it mom, wife or that of an entrepreneur. I usually plan my activities and tasks in advance so it lets me be in control & eases off the pressure.

My long term goal is to own multiple businesses and I want to add value to the lives of others through my work. This really keeps me going.


What challenges/obstacles did you face in your journey so far?

Financial challenges are the first one. I had the comfort of monthly salary before starting my business so that comfort was no longer there and it adds a lot of financial strain. In business, for the first couple of years, you need to invest – invest – invest and you might or might not get returns. You have to take calculated risks in business.  

My son was just 1.5 yrs old when I started the venture. So, both my role as a mother & business owner have been demanding, yet fulfilling.

In business, initially, you have to handle a variety of people across age groups & almost all business functions. It requires a lot of effort & time so that you can be impactful.

So yes there have a lot of challenges but I have been trying to face them courageously & learn as much as I can from them.  

Ralsi Sharma Founder And CEO At PeopleQ Consulting

What comes first for you – money or emotions?

I study human psychology. I think, for everyone – emotions come first including me. If someone says the money comes first to them then it is because they are emotionally attached with money. No doubt, Money is important & needed but it requires a slightly detached approach to handle it well.

How do you handle the pressure and manage stress?

By doing meditation, I have exposed myself to a variety of meditation & other mental & spiritual practices. I have been deeply impacted by Tony Robbins & Sadhguru.

Listening to inspirational songs. “Kar har maidan Fateh” from Sanju has been one of my favourites & lifts my mood whenever I am feeling low.

I also engage in physical activities like running, dancing or kick-boxing when I need to let go of unhealthy emotions.


What is one strategy that you believe has helped you grow as a person/startup?

Knowing your priorities is the key thing. It has immensely helped me grow. I feel it is extremely important to know your priorities and channelise your energy accordingly. And always look for opportunities in everything life throws at you.


In your opinion what are the keys to success?

I would say aspiration, courage, patience, composure and support. 

You need to have aspirations. While pursuing them difficulties will come but you have to stay calm in difficult situations & keep pursuing with faith & confidence. I’m fortunate that I have an extremely supportive family. They always believe in me. They support me in every way possible. 


What advice would you give to someone starting out particularly women?

1 – Know that entrepreneurship is not just a career choice. It is a way of life!! Success here depends on how mentally strong you are. “You don’t pursue it for success to happen, you pursue it till success happens”!

2 – You have to enjoy the journey.

3 – Invest in yourself to handle every situation that might arise.

4 – Whenever you have a low moment you have to get back up but never give up

5 – Every individual has its own journey so craft yours well and every person has its own time to get things so take your own time.


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