The Complete Guide On How To Play Rummy & Win Always

Card games have numerous ardent fans. And India has several such players religiously playing the game regularly. One of the games of cards, rummy has been popular among all card players from times immemorial. Presently, this game is one of the trending entertainments that thousands of people seek online. However, winning a game of rummy is not a child’s play, it requires the knowledge of the game, patience and practice to ace it. GetMega is the website that provides you with the best interfaces to play a rummy game. With that, it showers its winning players with prizes by the means of cash. Moreover, the matches can be played with anyone from around the nation 24✕7. 

Through this article, you will have a thorough idea of the rules of this card game. Besides, it will briefly highlight the tips and tricks to follow for a win-win situation. 

Know about the deck of cards

Like every other card game, rummy also is played with a deck containing 52 cards belonging to the 4 regular suits. Below is an elaboration of the types of cards and the 4 suits.

  • The number cards are present in the deck from 1 (Ace) to 10. Besides, there is a Jack, a Queen and a King. The cards are named here in the ascending order of their points.
  • As mentioned in the previous point, every card has scores dedicated to them and that remains constant in every game. 
  • All the ace cards irrespective of the suit have 1 point dedicated to each of them.
  • On the other hand, the Royal cards namely the Kings, Queen and Jack have 10 points each. 
  • Joker and wildcards have zero points dedicated to each of them. 
  • The four suits namely spade ♠, heart ♥, club ♣ and diamond ♦ have the presence of all these cards. 
  • With these cards, you need to make sequences and sets which will be discussed in the further parts of this article. 

How to play a game of rummy with 13 cards?

Unlike the 11-card game of rummy, this game has two jokers added to the deck of cards. Moreover, you require 2 decks of cards to play a 13-card rummy game. 

General rules of rummy


The table acts as a board where the cards of rummy are placed. At each table, there can be only two to six participants. 

The Joker and the Wildcards

The joker is usually showcased with the opening of every deck. On contrary, a wildcard is given to the players by the dealer at random. You can make use of both the cards to replace an unsuitable card with that of the suitable one for forming a sequence or a set. 

Know about sequences

Sequences are crucial for winning a game of rummy. These are nothing but a group of cards that belong to the same suit of cards. You have to have either 3 or more such groups to make a sequence. There are two types of sequences that can be made to win points.

  • Pure sequences and 
  • Impure sequence

A pure sequence is one where the group of three or more cards belonging to the same type of suit are present with the participant. Whereas, in the case of an impure sequence in addition to the cards from the same type of suit the participant will have a joker or a wildcard about which we will elaborate in the next segment.

Know about sets

A set can be made when you have a collection of three to four cards having the same position or rank. However, the suit of the cards has to be different from one another. 

What is a drop?

When a participant chooses to quit the game of rummy it is termed a drop. You can opt for a drop any time of the game but a penalty will be asked from you to do so. 

Discard pile

The pile of cards where the participants discard their unsuitable cards is termed a discard pile.

Point calculation in a game of rummy

  • When playing rummy, if you do not have any combination of cards to make sets or sequences then you will get points equivalent to the points associated with all the cards present with you.
  • On the other hand, if you have two groups of sequence-making cards and one of them makes a pure sequence then your points will be equal to the sum of the ones which do not form any sequence.
  • When you do an invalid declaration you get 80 points. That implies you lose the game.
  • Alternatively, if you drop first you get 20 points. This happens when you decide to drop before the dealer deals the cards.
  • And when you drop in the middle (middle drop) then you get 40 points. This takes place when you plan to quit the game anytime after the distribution of the cards. 

Tips to increase your chances of winning a game of rummy

  • Try to avoid taking cards from the pile of discards. When you do so the opponents get an idea about the combinations you have with you. 
  • Be attentive when your opponent participants discard their cards. You can get an idea of their combination in that way.
  • When discarding any card, try to discard a card of higher value to decrease the probability of getting a high score.
  • If you have to drop a game, do it in the initial stage of the game.
  • Knowing the sequence patterns of the cards irrespective of their type is significant in getting a pot.
  • You should hold the middle cards. i.e. the cards having a middle value among all the cards in a suit. For instance, the probability of making a sequence is higher if you have a card with the number 6.

Thus, to have a victory in rummy you have to follow the rules and regulations properly. Besides, you should know the tricks to form sequences and which card should be discarded. GetMega provides you with a platform where you can play the game daily and increase your knowledge about the game. With that, it has all the certifications required for gambling legally. Also, it is possible to play with your relatives and friends staying away through this platform on a video call. 

Rohan Mathawan

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This article is authored by Rohan Mathawan, who is presently working as the Vice President of Media Sales and Operations at Techstory Media. Rohan started his career as an online gaming and technology content writer and has written more than 5000+ articles for reputed brands and companies like Techstory Media, MarketingCrap, and a few other ad agencies in the last 4 years. Rohan loves to read about online gaming during his pastime. His passion to create content about online gaming force him to dive deep into the research of the topic and what comes out is a highly relevant and captivating piece of content that is appreciated by his readers. 


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