Are People With Anxiety Disorders Eligible For Social Security Disability?

Anxiety Disorders

Social Security disability benefits provide much-needed income support to people who are not able to work on a full-time basis due to injury, illness, or impairment. There are many myths and misconceptions over what exactly qualifies as a disability for the purposes of SSDI or SSI.

You may be wondering: Can I get Social Security disability compensation for an anxiety disorder? The answer is ‘yes’—but doing so can be challenging and there are strict criteria that you must satisfy when submitting a disability application.

Anxiety Disorders and Disability Benefits: Explained

First and foremost, it is important to emphasize that Social Security benefits are available for mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders. Far too many people fail to apply for benefits because they think that these types of disabilities do not qualify. That is false. Do not assume that you are without options simply because your disability stems from a psychological issue instead of a physical injury or impairment. Here is the relevant section of the federal code:

~ Blue Book Listing 12.06: Anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders are compensable disabilities under the SSDI and SSI. These conditions are characterized by persistent and excessive worry, apprehension, fear, and avoidance. The symptoms of these mental health conditions frequently include but are not limited to restlessness, tense muscle, sleep disorders, long-term fatigue, trouble focusing, and panic attacks.

Comprehensive Medical Evidence is Required to Get Benefits for Anxiety Disorders

There is no question that an anxiety disorder can qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Instead, the existence and severity of the condition must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the agency. To do so, it is crucial that applicants submit medical documents, records, and evidence. The more detailed the evidence, the better position you will be in to get disability benefits for anxiety.

Filing for SSDI or SSI benefits is never easy, especially if it is your first time going through the claims process. If you are looking for help filing your application for disability benefits, contact an experienced Social Security disability lawyer. An attorney will explain your rights and help you complete the paperwork.


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