Interview with Aditi Sharma | Communication Coach and Trainer | Pageant Coach | Influencer

Aditi Sharma

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Aditi Sharma for an exclusive interview with us. Aditi is a Communication Coach, Trainer, Pageant Coach and an Influencer. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, background, and advice for our growing community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Aditi:

Talk us through your background and your journey, please;

Let me tell you, my path in coaching wasn’t exactly straight and narrow! It all started back in 2008, fresh out of college, when I dove headfirst into banking. Meeting new people every day was a blast, but let’s be honest – crunching numbers and chasing those crazy sales targets wasn’t exactly meant for me. 11 months in (I couldn’t even wait to complete a whole year) I called it quits and moved on, in the search for my next big thing.

That’s when I landed a gig in the Events and Entertainment industry – now THAT was my calling! From snagging sponsorships for mega-events like the IPL and Pro Kabaddi to rocking concerts and exclusive CXO events, I was in my element. Plus, working with top agencies and brands on their exclusive events talk about an adrenaline rush!

Fast forward a decade – after leading businesses and building brands from the ground up, it was time for another adventure: parenthood!  This amazing life change made me crave a work-life balance that let me be present for my family without feeling stretched thin.

Here’s the thing, as a leader, I was always big on training my team to help them level up, and it was something I thoroughly enjoyed. So, during this time, I decided to explore that passion further. I dove into certifications for Image Management, Spoken English Coaching, and soft skills training – it’s been a journey of constant learning and empowering others!

And guess what? Today, I’m over 800 coaching hours strong! I’ve mentored students and seasoned professionals, trained pageant contestants (talk about fierce!), and countless amazing individuals. It’s been a wild ride, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

How did you discover your passion as a ‘Coach’?

Discovering my passion as a Communication & Personal Development Coach was a journey that unfolded gradually, like a map revealing its treasures one landmark at a time.

In my early years, I explored various fields, searching for that elusive spark that would ignite my purpose and I, for many years believed that I had found it as a successful and accomplished Business Development professional. But, that itch to do more, the itch to do something that would result in empowering someone, that feeling of pride and joy you feel when you see someone soar after years of struggle was missing.

So, I started small, baby steps as they say, by coaching my team to help them improve in areas that they needed help, and in turn watched them succeed. I joined courses to learn the art of training and even tried my hand at teaching. While each experience offered valuable insights, it wasn’t until I stumbled upon coaching that everything clicked into place.

With coaching the main focus is on empowering individuals to unlock their potential and achieve their goals, and that was something that resonated with me deeply. Here was a platform where I could merge my fascination with people from different walks of life with their unique communication styles and challenges, and my genuine desire to make a positive impact on their lives.

But the moment of revelation didn’t come in a blinding flash of insight. It was more like a gradual awakening, a series of small epiphanies that unfolded over time. Over the years, knowing or unknowingly, I had experienced joy when helping a friend navigate a challenging situation, the satisfaction of seeing someone’s eyes light up as they discovered their own strengths, the fulfilment of knowing that I had played a part, however small, in someone’s journey towards self-discovery.

As I delved deeper into the world of coaching, I realized that it was not just about imparting knowledge or offering advice; it was about creating a safe space for growth, a supportive environment where individuals could explore, experiment, and evolve at their own pace.  And so, my passion as a Communication & Personal Development Coach was born – not in a single moment of revelation, but through a gradual process of self-discovery, fueled by a relentless curiosity and a heartfelt desire to connect with others on a deeper level.

Now, every day, I wake up excited to embark on this journey with my clients, to walk alongside them as they navigate the twists and turns of their paths, and to witness the transformative power of communication and personal growth in action. It’s a privilege and a joy, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

When the going gets tough, it’s like navigating through a stormy sea. But just as sailors rely on their compass and complex navigation systems to guide them through the storm, I lean on the values instilled in me by my upbringing. You see, I’m the daughter of a senior armed forces officer, so resilience and discipline aren’t just words to me; they’re a way of life and they taught me a thing or two about facing challenges head-on.

I often think back to the lessons I learned being a daughter of the fraternity. Through my growing years, I would always see not only folks but even my friends’ parents battling fierce storms, and somehow magically finding their way through it. It’s only when I grew older, and a little wiser (if not a lot) I realized that there was no magic wand, instead, it was all about perseverance, and about holding onto hope even in the darkest of times.

There are times when it seems like the world is crumbling around me, I draw strength from the memories of my parents’ unwavering determination. Their voices echo in my mind, reminding me to stand tall in the face of adversity, just as they did time and time again.

But beyond drawing inspiration from my upbringing, it’s the love and support of my family that truly keeps me going. They’re my rock, my anchor in every storm. Whether it’s a reassuring hug from my forever so clueless little one or pearls of wisdom from my mother or a pep talk from my husband and close friends, their presence reminds me that I’m never alone in this journey.

So, when life throws its toughest challenges my way, I don’t falter. Instead, I anchor myself in the strength of my upbringing, the love of my family, and the belief that every challenge is just another chance to prove my resilience. And with that unwavering resolve, I navigate through the toughest of seas, knowing that on the other side lies calm waters and brighter horizons.

What is the one strategy that you believe has helped you grow as a person?

One strategy that’s truly transformed me is embracing the power of vulnerability. Now what do I mean by that – With the birth of my son, like most moms I got lost in my world with him. My days were all about him, his needs and soaking in every moment.

As days turned into weeks and then months, I found myself in a challenging spot. I was struggling with doubts, fears, and a deep sense of inadequacy. As a woman at the peak of her career, I  suddenly found myself elbow-deep in dirty diapers and caught in an endless loop of feeding bottles, burps, naps and doctor’s appointments. Like many, I was caught up in the facade of perfection, always striving to present not only myself as flawless, but also my home, my life and my child. But inside, I was crumbling.

Then one day, I stumbled upon a TED Talk on vulnerability by Brené Brown. Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. She spoke about the courage it takes to be vulnerable, to show up as our imperfect selves, and to embrace our vulnerabilities rather than hide them.

I decided to give it a try. I started by opening up to my husband and my close friends. I sat them down and through tears, I shared my fears, my insecurities, and my feeling of failure. And you know what happened? Instead of judgment or rejection, I found empathy, connection, and even admiration.

Through vulnerability, I discovered a profound sense of liberation. I realized it’s okay to be imperfect, to stumble and fall, as long as we’re willing to get back up and keep moving forward. I learned that nobody cares if the cushion isn’t at the right angle or if the baby has drool on his chin or that I hadn’t read a book or a piece of news for weeks, if not months or even that my hair looked like they hadn’t seen a hairbrush in days, it’s in our vulnerability that we find our strength, our authenticity, and our deepest connections with others.

Since then, I’ve made vulnerability a cornerstone of my growth journey. I’ve learned to lean into discomfort, to embrace my imperfections, and to cultivate genuine connections with those around me. And with each vulnerable moment, I’ve found new layers of resilience, empathy, and self-acceptance.

So, if there’s one strategy I’d encourage you to explore on your journey of growth, it’s this: dare to be vulnerable. It may feel scary at first, but trust me, the rewards are immeasurable.

What approaches do you follow in your coaching program?

Imagine coaching that feels like a conversation with a supportive friend who truly gets you.  In my program, I create a safe space where my clients feel heard, understood, and empowered to take action towards their goals.

Everyone’s journey is unique, and so is my approach. I tailor my coaching to fit each client’s specific needs and preferences. One powerful tool that I use often is ‘Storytelling’. Stories have a way of making complex ideas relatable and inspiring. By sharing real-life experiences and anecdotes, I help my clients connect with key concepts and envision their own success story.

I also make sure to keep things relatable and real. My clients need to see themselves in the journey towards their goals. I often draw parallels between their experiences and those of others who have overcome similar challenges. This helps to normalize struggles and reinforces the idea that success is within reach.

Whether through active listening, gentle guidance, or celebrating small victories, I’m committed to helping my clients unlock their full potential and live their best lives.

What are some of the best practices you advise your clients and how does it help them?

I can’t stress enough how powerful good communication is. It’s not just about the words you use, it’s the whole package! The way you say it, your body language, even your facial expressions – they all add up to how people perceive you.

But guess what? The secret weapon is authenticity. Relax those shoulders, crack a smile (even if it’s just a small one for yourself!), and let your personality show. You’d be surprised how much more approachable you become!

Now, speaking of how you say it, ditch the monotone mumble. Play with your volume and pace, and throw in some pauses to keep things interesting. Think of yourself telling a captivating story on a road trip – you want your listener hooked, leaning in to hear what happens next.

Imagine Morgan Freeman, or for a more local touch, Amitabh Bachchan, narrating something awesome! That’s the kind of energy you want to bring.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT: Every situation in life is temporary. So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully. And when life is not so good, remember that it will not last forever and better days are on the way. Burn the past. Turn the page and move on.

ANY LESSON YOU REFUSE TO LEARN WILL REPEAT UNTIL YOU DO: Life has a funny way of presenting us with similar challenges or situations until we learn the lessons they’re meant to teach us. We’re often presented with similar situations or challenges until we address them appropriately. This repetition might manifest in various aspects of our lives, such as relationships, work, or personal development.

Each experience offers an opportunity for growth and learning. If we fail to learn from a particular situation, we’re likely to encounter it again until we grasp the underlying lesson. As humans, we consciously or unconsciously resist learning these lessons due to various reasons such as fear, denial, or simply being stuck in familiar patterns. However, avoiding these lessons only prolongs the cycle of repetition and suffering. This idea underscores the importance of being open to learning and growth, as it enables us to navigate life’s challenges more effectively and create positive change.

A CROWDED MIND LEAVES NO SPACE FOR A PEACEFUL HEART AND LIFE: I am a chronic overthinker. There have been days when my mind has been cluttered with too many thoughts, worries, or distractions, that it becomes difficult for me to function normally. Over time, I have learned various ways to gain control of my mind by decluttering my mind, creating room for calmness, clarity, and a deeper sense of peace.

Aditi Sharma

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

Success is a journey, not a destination. I am a big fan of road trips, especially the hills and this ideology comes from there. Success for me isn’t just a one-stop destination; it’s a road trip through life.

It needs you to stay alert and keep your eyes on the road, while occasionally pulling over to check why is google maps showing me a route that throws me off a cliff! And let me tell you, no two journeys are alike. The path may have what seems like unending twists and turns, but that’s what keeps it interesting.

To thrive, you’ve got to be open to detours, willing to adjust your course, and always ready to learn something new. Remember, it’s never about how quickly you got there or the shortcuts you took—it’s about the experiences along the way that teach you so much. So buckle up, stay curious, and enjoy the ride.

Aditi Sharma

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

Embarking on a career journey can feel like stepping into a vast unknown. Imagine having lived in a cocoon for over 2 decades which was well guarded by your parents, siblings, extended families and your community, and now, overnight, you’ve set foot into what seems like a BIG BAD WORLD.

But fear not, fellow traveller, for I come bearing some tried-and-true advice to light your path!

1) Embrace the art of continuous learning. Think of yourself as a sponge, soaking up knowledge and experiences at every turn. Whether it’s through formal education, online courses, or simply immersing yourself in your field of interest, never stop expanding your horizons. Remember, the world is ever-evolving, and those who adapt, grow and thrive.

2) Cultivate resilience. Life is full of setbacks and challenges, your inevitable companions on the road to success. But it’s not about how many times you fall or fail, it’s about how many times you get back up and continue on your path. So, when life throws you a curveball (and trust me, it will throw you a whole lot of them especially when you least expect it), take a deep breath, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward with unwavering determination.

3) The power of networking. Now, I know that this generation feels that we millennials are preaching to the wrong choir but believe me when I say you all aren’t really getting it right! Networking isn’t just about scanning QR codes for quick connects over LinkedIn, WhatsApp or Telegram (because exchanging business cards is passe); it’s more about building genuine connections with people who share your passions and values, who want to catch up with you over a cup of coffee and understand what your goals and objectives, both personally and professionally.. So, don’t be afraid to reach out; attend industry meetups, or even strike up conversations with professionals on LinkedIn. You never know where a simple chat might lead!

4) My Golden Nugget: Embrace Failure. Yup, you read that right “Embrace your failures”. Failure isn’t the end of the road; it’s a tiny detour or a pit stop on your journey to success. Each stumble is an opportunity to learn, grow, and come back stronger than ever. So, don’t let fear of failure hold you back. Instead, embrace it as a stepping stone towards greatness.

5) Remember to find joy in the journey. Your career isn’t just about reaching the destination; it’s about savouring every moment along the way. So, don’t forget to celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Make those wins interesting, reward yourself for having made it that far and cherish the lessons learned along the way.

Remember, success isn’t just about climbing the corporate ladder or achieving fame and fortune. It’s about finding joy, finding fulfillment in what you do, about making a positive impact on the world around you, and above all, staying true to yourself. So go forth and chase your dreams with passion, perseverance, and a sprinkle of pixie dust. Good luck and Godspeed!

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

“In life, we are like stars, born from darkness but shining with hope, Our journeys, like constellations, tell stories of love and resilience, reminding us that even in the darkest times, there’s always a glimmer of light.”

I received this message from a coachee, and it is messages like these from those you coach and train that make the whole journey worthwhile. You know this journey is satisfying when you’re called that ray of hope when they believed there was nothing but darkness.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Rachna Mimani | Mentor | Self Mastery Coach | Psychologist | Speaker | Posh Trainer | Founder and CEO at

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