Interview with Dr. Sarika Samant | Leadership and Business Coach | Consultant | Keynote Speaker | Founder and CEO at SprintStar Consulting

Dr. Sarika Samant

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Dr. Sarika Samant for an exclusive interview with us. Dr. Sarika is an Accomplished Leader, Entrepreneur, Leadership and Business Coach, Consultant, Keynote Speaker and Change Enabler. She is the Founder and CEO of SprintStar Consulting.

She has held various leadership roles for more than 24 years at renowned institutions including HDFC Bank, IDBI Bank, Deutsche Bank, and Edelweiss Financial Services. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, her background, and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Dr. Sarika:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

My journey through the echelons of academia and the crucible of professional life has been nothing short of an odyssey—a testament to perseverance, evolution, and the relentless pursuit of empowerment.

My academic roots were laid in the nurturing grounds of Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School in Thane. Graduating in 1996 from Mulund College of Commerce was more than an academic achievement; it marked my transition into a world abuzz with the new vocabulary of the economy.

However, it was my tenure at SIES College of Management Studies that truly defined my voice. Here, amidst group discussions and public speaking forums, I discovered my resonance, my ability to influence.

Topping these sessions as a young woman was a subtle rebellion against patriarchal whispers.

My corporate saga began as a Management Trainee, a title that barely scratched the surface of the learning curve ahead. From HDFC Bank to IDBI Bank, from Deutsche Bank to Edelweiss and Dovetail Financial Services, my career trajectory was a reflection of a burgeoning India—bold, ambitious, and unyielding.”

I’ve dedicated over two decades of my life to the pursuit of empowering growth, success, and well-being. As an accomplished leadership coach and transformative business expert, my journey has been fueled by an insatiable passion for igniting change and inspiring progress. With over 24 years of unwavering commitment in the Banking and Financial services sector, I have garnered a wealth of experience and expertise.

My academic endeavors have taken me from the vibrant city of Mumbai, where I earned my MBA in Finance and Marketing from SIES College of Management Studies to the historic halls of École Supérieure Robert De Sorbon in France, where I delved into the depths of leadership and women’s development to earn my Ph.D.

With the poise of a professional speaker, I’ve stood on countless stages, sharing insights and weaving narratives that inspire action. My voice has echoed in seminars and workshops, leaving a resonant impact long after the applause fades.”

As a leadership and success coach, I’ve witnessed the metamorphosis of countless individuals and organizations. My ethos is simple: to empower, to elevate, and to unleash the inherent potential within each soul I encounter.

The accolades I’ve received—the Woman Achiever Award from the Rotary Club or the Global Progressive Woman recognition from UN SGA—are not summits but guiding lights on an ongoing journey. Each award, each acknowledgment fuels my passion to inspire and reach further.

My engagements span a diverse spectrum, enriching and varied. From conducting ‘Dream Job’ seminars for management students to addressing global forums like UNICEF, I’ve aimed to resonate with diverse audiences. As a keynote speaker at Kaushalya Hospital Thane, along with invitations from numerous MNCs, educational institutes including the National Insurance Academy, multiple management schools, and various Business forums, I’ve had the privilege to impact lives beyond corporate realms.

In the vast expanse of the digital world, my presence has been both a beacon and a bridge—connecting ideas, people, and possibilities. I invite you to join me on LinkedIn, where my story continues to unfold, one connection, one conversation at a time.

In a personal light, my story is also deeply personal. It’s a narrative shaped by the unwavering support of my mother, whose strength and dedication have been my guiding lights. It’s colored by the cheers of my daughter, whose resilience reminds me daily that every challenge is an opportunity to excel. Stepping beyond the confines of the corporate world, I find my rhythm in the pulse of nature, with the beat of my running shoes against the ground in marathons and ultra-marathons. It is on these stretches of Indian roads and international tracks in Amsterdam, Berlin, and during the Tata Ultra Marathon, that my spirit truly soars. Each stride is a reflection of my philosophy in leadership—endurance, determination, and the relentless pursuit of going beyond perceived limits.”

Away from the adrenaline of races, I embrace the world of fashion, advocating for Body Positivity. My runway endeavors (in India and Internationally), representing esteemed brands like Malabar Diamond Jewellery and exclusive clothing lines, champion the narrative of confidence, diversity, and self-love

Of all the roles, I play, my most cherished one is that of being a mother. Parenting a child with special needs has taught me Unearthed depths of strength within me, reshaping my understanding of success and achievement.

In balancing the demands of a flourishing career, athletic commitments, and fashion engagements with the joys and trials of motherhood, I see life not as a series of separate roles but as a harmonious blend of passions that nourish each other. Each aspect of my life enriches the others, creating a symphony – a harmony I believe epitomizes true success and fulfillment.

As I pen these words, my heart brims with excitement for the chapters yet to be written, for the lives yet to be touched. This is not just my story; it’s an invitation to weave your own into the fabric of leadership and success that I’ve been honored to curate.”

My narrative is interwoven with the very fabric of India’s metamorphosis, a time when the country was embracing a new dawn of economic freedom. I believe every leader’s story is a mosaic of moments, decisions, and convictions that define their leadership ethos.

My mission is clear: To empower, enlighten and elevate.

Through this odyssey, my aim is to ignite a spark that fuels impactful leadership in those who dare to dream, lead, and create a difference in India’s ever-evolving leadership narrative.

Dr. Sarika Samant

How did you discover your passion as a ‘Coach’?

My journey into coaching, leadership, executive guidance, and keynote speaking was a culmination of various experiences and realizations over time.

Initially, I found a natural inclination toward understanding human behavior, motivations, and personal development, which led me to explore leadership roles. In these positions, I discovered a passion for mentoring and guiding others, observing the impact effective leadership can have on individuals and teams.

As I progressed, I found myself naturally drawn to executive-level responsibilities that involved not only leading teams but also shaping organizational cultures and strategies. This exposed me to the complexities and nuances of leadership at higher echelons, further fueling my interest in helping leaders navigate these challenges.

Simultaneously, my interest in coaching grew. I invested time and effort in acquiring certifications, pursuing continuous learning opportunities, and immersing myself in coaching methodologies, particularly in the realm of executive coaching. Witnessing the profound impact coaching had on high-level executives solidified my commitment to this path.”

Becoming a keynote speaker emerged from a desire to share insights, experiences, and lessons learned with larger audiences. Speaking engagements became a platform to distill knowledge, inspire change, and provoke thought leadership in diverse settings.

Ultimately, this convergence of interests and experiences—leadership, executive guidance, coaching, and keynote speaking—was driven by a deep-rooted passion for facilitating growth, fostering effective leadership, and catalyzing transformational change at both individual and organizational levels.

How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?

Despite the inevitable challenges that arise, several driving forces keep me resilient and motivated. Central to this is a strong sense of purpose—the knowledge that my work, whether in coaching, leadership guidance, or speaking engagements, positively impacts others. This sense of purpose anchors me during tough times, guiding my actions with a clear direction.

A crucial aspect is embracing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks. This resilient mindset shapes my approach, allowing me to navigate difficulties with a forward-looking perspective. Continuous learning plays a pivotal role in this journey, as it keeps me adaptable and open to new solutions. It’s empowering to explore different approaches and strategies when faced with obstacles.

The support network I’ve cultivated, consisting of friends, mentors, and colleagues, provides invaluable encouragement and guidance during challenging times. Their insights and perspectives often shed light on solutions or offer a different angle to overcome hurdles.”

Passion for making a meaningful impact, whether in individual lives or within organizations, serves as a constant motivator. Witnessing positive change fuels my drive and reinforces my commitment to keep pushing forward.

Remaining adaptable and flexible in the face of change allows me to pivot when necessary, finding new ways to overcome challenges. Prioritizing self-care, including mental and physical well-being, ensures I have the energy and resilience needed to tackle obstacles effectively.

These elements collectively create a robust foundation that sustains my motivation and drive, empowering me to persist despite the challenges encountered along the way.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?

My personal growth has been fueled by several key strategies:

Continuous Learning: Embracing ongoing education and seeking new knowledge has broadened my perspectives.

Self-reflection: Regular introspection helps me identify areas for improvement and refine my beliefs.

Goal Setting: Setting clear, achievable goals provides direction and motivates progress.

Risk-taking: Stepping out of comfort zones and embracing discomfort fosters growth.

Resilience: Viewing setbacks as learning opportunities has strengthened my adaptability.

Relationship Building: Nurturing diverse relationships offers varied perspectives and empathy.

Gratitude Practice: Cultivating gratitude brings a positive outlook and emotional balance.

Embracing Failure: Seeing failure as a chance to learn has enhanced resilience and adaptability.

Well-being Focus: Prioritizing mindfulness and well-being rituals maintains balance.

Giving Back: Contributing to the community fosters purpose and personal fulfillment.

These strategies collectively form a framework that continuously propels my personal growth and development.

Dr. Sarika Samant

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

Success is subjective and can vary from person to person.

Achieving success is like unlocking a treasure chest, and it’s not just one key that opens it—there’s a whole bunch! Picture this: you’re on a quest, armed with a clear vision as your map and achievable goals as your compass. Along the way, you’ll need a dose of resilience potion to bounce back from setbacks and a big scoop of perseverance to turn failure into your ally.”

But wait, there’s more! You’ll want to pack your adventure bag with the ultimate gear—continuous learning goggles for adaptability, a time-turner to manage tasks efficiently, and a shapeshifter cloak for adaptability when the unexpected dragons show up. Oh, and don’t forget your trusty sidekick, Emotional Intelligence, helping you navigate the tricky social terrain.

Now, this journey isn’t complete without making friends along the way—building alliances, networking, and making connections to unlock secret doors of opportunities. And hey, it’s not all serious; there’s room for some calculated risk-taking rides, and adrenaline-pumping adventures that might just lead you to hidden treasure troves.

But here’s the kicker: remember to keep the fun in balance! Juggling life’s various potions—personal, professional, and mental well-being—is key to keeping your adventurer’s spirit alive and thriving on this epic quest. So, grab your gear, rally your courage, and embark on this thrilling adventure called Success!

What advice would you give to our readers?

Here are a few nuggets of advice:

Embrace Learning: Never stop seeking knowledge. Whether through books, courses, or experiences, continuous learning fuels growth and opens new doors.

Resilience Matters: View setbacks as detours, not dead ends. Resilience helps you bounce back stronger and more determined than before.

Take Risks, Calculated Ones: Don’t shy away from stepping out of your comfort zone. Taking well-thought-out risks often leads to unexpected rewards.

Build Relationships: Cultivate genuine connections. They offer support, diverse perspectives, and sometimes the perfect opportunity.

Stay Adaptable: Change is constant. Embrace it and adapt; it’s often where growth and innovation thrive.

Prioritize Well-being: Your mental and physical health are non-negotiable. Take care of yourself; it’s the foundation for everything else.

Enjoy the Journey: Success isn’t just about the destination; it’s about relishing the adventure along the way. Celebrate your wins, big and small.

Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process, stay resilient, and keep moving forward!

Dr. Sarika Samant

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

The most satisfying and exhilarating aspect of my journey is witnessing the transformation and impact I’m privileged to be a part of. Whether it’s guiding someone through a breakthrough, witnessing their “aha” moments, or seeing organizations flourish under better leadership, those moments are priceless.

The diversity within this journey also keeps it endlessly exciting. Every day brings something new—new challenges to conquer, new minds to inspire, and new opportunities to learn. It’s the dynamic nature of this path that keeps me engaged and eager to explore further.

But what truly makes it fulfilling is the connections forged along the way. The relationships built, the stories shared, and the camaraderie with fellow adventurers on their paths to success—those connections enrich the journey beyond measure.

Ultimately, the satisfaction lies in knowing that I’m contributing positively, empowering others to grow, and making a meaningful impact. That’s what keeps this journey endlessly exciting and deeply satisfying.

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Shivani Agarwal | Entrepreneur | Leader | Motivational Speaker | Mind Miracle Mentor | Angel Coach | Certified Belief Clearing Practitioner

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