Interview with Nandhini Ravichandran | Behavioral and Leadership Coach | POSH Facilitator | Founder at Nurture

Nandhini Ravichandran

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this, we invited Nandhini Ravichandran for an exclusive interview with us. She is an Entrepreneur, Leader, Behavioral & Leadership Coach, POSH Facilitator and the Founder of Nurture. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, background and advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Ms Nandhini:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I hail from the quaint village of Bodinayakanur nestled in the heart of Tamil Nadu, where simplicity is a way of life. Despite humble beginnings, my journey has been one of unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of excellence.

In my early academic years, I may not have been the brightest star in the classroom, but the flame of ambition burned fiercely within me. It was during this time that my mother, recognizing my need for direction and fortitude, introduced me to the world of sports.

Little did I know, this introduction would become the cornerstone of my character, instilling in me values of discipline, perseverance, and resilience that would shape my future endeavours.

Armed with a Master’s degree in Biotechnology and another in English, alongside a Bachelor’s degree in Education, I embarked on my professional journey with a fervent passion for teaching. My first venture into the educational realm began as a Lecturer in Biotechnology, where I found joy and fulfilment in imparting knowledge to eager minds.

Life took a turn when I entered into marriage and relocated to Chennai, putting my aspirations for a PhD on hold to prioritize the needs of my growing family. However, amidst the joys of motherhood, I encountered a dark period of postpartum depression following the birth of my second child. In my darkest hour, I sought solace and purpose, eventually rediscovering my calling through the familiar avenues of education.

Returning to the classroom, this time alongside my own children, I realized that traditional teaching was not where my true passion lay. It was in the transformative power of mentoring and coaching that I found my niche. Inspired by the profound impact of educators like Mr. Bright, who illuminated my path with encouragement and belief, and Ms. Ruby Sam, whose unbiased gaze treated me as an equal among peers, I aspired to become a beacon of guidance and support for others.

Thus, my journey came full circle as I embraced my newfound passion for mentoring and coaching, dedicated to touching lives and shaping futures. With every interaction, I endeavour to emulate the compassion and insight of those who once inspired me, striving to be the guiding light that illuminates the path to greatness for all those who cross my path.

Nandhini Ravichandran

How did you discover your passion?   

As I made the difficult decision to step away from my role as a teacher at the school, I was met with an outpouring of emotions from my students, young adults on the cusp of shaping their futures. Their heartfelt letters and notes painted a vivid picture of the impact I had made on their lives.

Among the accolades praising my teaching prowess and kindness, what truly resonated were the words that spoke to the essence of our bond. They spoke of how I had not merely imparted lessons but had become a pillar of support and understanding in their lives. Each letter echoed stories of inclusivity, recounting moments where I treated them all with fairness and respect, devoid of favouritism or prejudice.

But it was the stories of trust and fellowship that touched me the most deeply. They spoke of how I had opened my heart and ears to their joys and struggles, creating a safe space where they could confide in me without fear or hesitation. In their eyes, I was more than just a teacher; I was a confidant, a mentor, and a friend.

In reading their heartfelt expressions of gratitude and admiration, I found clarity amidst the uncertainty. This was my calling – not merely to educate, but to inspire, uplift, and empower young minds. Their words affirmed what my heart had known all along: my journey was meant to be one of guiding and nurturing, of instilling confidence and igniting passion.

Armed with the profound realization of my purpose, I embraced my newfound path with unwavering determination. For in the echoes of their letters, I found the roadmap to my destiny – to be the guiding light that illuminates the path to greatness for all those who cross my path. “NURTURE” was born from this revelation and that’s how I started my journey.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

As a sports enthusiast, resilience isn’t just a quality I possess – it’s my way of life. My coach’s enduring mantra, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going,” reverberates through my mind like a steadfast beacon, guiding me through every challenge I encounter on and off the field.

In the realm of resilience, my dear friend offered sage wisdom: “If something was easy, then everybody can do it. It is meant to be tough.” These words serve as a constant reminder that adversity is not a barrier, but rather a stepping stone to growth and achievement.

Then there’s Steve Harvey’s humorous yet profound advice: “If you are in Hell, Keep moving. Why would you want to stop IN HELL?” Though lighthearted, his words encapsulate the essence of perseverance – to keep pressing forward, even in the darkest of times.

When confronted with challenges, I embrace a mindset of resilience, refusing to succumb to adversity. Instead, I take a deep breath and push through, drawing strength from within and seeking guidance from those who offer wisdom and support.

I am never hesitant to ask for help when needed, understanding that seeking assistance is not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to humility and wisdom. Whether it’s seeking advice from mentors, discussing business decisions with my husband, or seeking my mother’s counsel on matters of the heart, I approach each challenge with a spirit of collaboration and determination.

With a casual vibe and a resilient spirit, I tackle life’s hurdles head-on, knowing that every setback is just another chance to grow and shine.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

1) Stay Humble and Keep Learning: We’re not born knowing everything, and that’s okay. Being humble means recognizing that there’s always something new to learn, no matter how much we already know. It’s about staying open-minded and embracing opportunities for growth and development.

2) Be Mindful of Relationships: Not everyone who appears friendly has your best interests at heart. It’s important to be discerning and mindful of the people we surround ourselves with. True friendship is built on trust, respect, and mutual support, so it’s essential to nurture relationships that uplift and empower us.

3) Your Value Lies in Expertise and Experience: In a world that often prioritizes superficial measures of success, it’s crucial to remember that true value is derived from expertise, skill, and experience. It’s not about how many accolades or years of experience we have, but rather the depth of knowledge and wisdom we bring to the table.

In your opinion, what are the keys to success?

My opinion on Keys to success are:

> Resilience

> Continuous Learning

> Authentic Relationships

> Expertise and Experience

> Adaptability

Nandhini Ravichandran

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

If you’re aiming for a successful career, here are some nuggets of wisdom I’ve picked up along the way:

– Keep learning, always. The world moves fast, and staying ahead means staying curious and continuously improving your skills.

– When life throws curveballs, and it will, resilience is your best friend. Learn from setbacks, bounce back stronger, and keep pushing forward.

– Build real connections. It’s not just about networking; it’s about forming genuine relationships with people who support and inspire you.

– Become an expert in your field by gaining hands-on experience whenever you can. Internships, projects, and volunteering are your ticket to mastering your craft.

– Stay flexible and adaptable. The only constant in life is change, so be ready to pivot, learn new things, and seize opportunities as they come your way.

– Remember, success isn’t just about reaching your goals; it’s about the journey you take to get there. Keep these principles in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to a fulfilling and successful career.

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Dr. Sandya Advani | POSH Consultant | Trainer | Speaker | Founder and Principal Consultant at POSH

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