Interview with Nikita Arora Juneja | Dietician | Nutritionist | Influencer

Nikita Arora Juneja

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to identify and share some of the unique and compelling stories from the startup ecosystem. As part of this, we invited Nikita Arora Juneja for an interview with BrilliantRead Media. Nikita is a Dietician, Nutritionist and Influencer. Let’s learn more about her background, her inspiring journey so far and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Nikita:

Talk us through your background and your journey, please;

My life has been a challenging one, starting with the loss of my father at a very young age. This hardship early on taught me resilience and the importance of carving my own path.

After completing my 12th grade at Droomcorn Public School in Bareilly, I enrolled in the BBA program at Lovely Professional University, where I gained a solid foundation in business administration. This education not only equipped me with the necessary skills but also instilled in me the entrepreneurial spirit to pursue my passion.

Then, I ventured into the telecom sector and took up a job. While the experience provided stability, I couldn’t ignore the persistent calling of my true passion: the health and nutrition sector. Motivated by my desire to make a difference in people’s lives, I made a bold decision to pursue my dreams.

I met my coach Ms. Ramandeep kaur she made me realise that my purpose lay in helping others achieve optimal health and well-being. I discovered the power of nutrition to transform lives and wanted to make a tangible impact in this field.

As I move forward, my journey continues with a firm commitment to promoting health and nutrition. I aim to combine my knowledge in business administration with my passion for health to create innovative solutions and educational resources that empower individuals to live healthier lives.

While my journey has been challenging, it has also been incredibly rewarding. The hardships I faced early on have shaped me into a determined individual, ready to tackle any obstacle that comes my way. I believe that my unique background and experiences have prepared me to make a meaningful contribution to the health and nutrition sector.

Nikita Arora Juneja

How did you discover your passion?

When it comes to discovering my passion, it all began with a personal struggle. After spending a significant amount of time sitting due to my job in the telecom sector, I started noticing a substantial weight gain. Concerned about my health, I became determined to make a positive change in my lifestyle and shed excess weight.

In my pursuit to lose weight, I crossed paths with a remarkable coach who would become a pivotal figure in my journey. This coach not only inspired me but also provided me with the knowledge and guidance necessary to embark on a transformative path towards a healthier lifestyle.

As I began implementing the coach’s advice and adopting healthier habits, I witnessed significant changes in my own body. The physical transformations I experienced fueled my motivation and passion for health and well-being. I realized that I had the potential to make a meaningful impact not only in my life but also in the lives of others.

My desire to transform public health and contribute to the well-being of others became a burning passion within me. I understood that there were numerous individuals facing similar challenges, and I wanted to be a catalyst for positive change in their lives. This realization marked the turning point where my personal journey merged with my broader mission to promote health and well-being on a larger scale.

Throughout my early life, I faced various hardships, including the loss of my father and other family situations. They strengthened my resolve to overcome obstacles and pursue my passion relentlessly. In summary, my discovery of my passion for health and nutrition originated from my personal struggle with weight gain and the subsequent transformative changes I experienced.

Meeting my coach, witnessing the positive impact on my own body, and facing personal hardships further fueled my determination to make a difference in public health. It is through these experiences and the unwavering passion that I found my true calling in the health and nutrition sector.

How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?

Despite the challenges I encounter, my unwavering passion for pursuing my dreams and making a positive impact on people’s lives keeps me going. The knowledge that I have the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of others and help them achieve their fitness goals brings me immense joy and fulfilment.

When faced with obstacles, I remind myself of the joy I experience in my work. Seeing the transformation and happiness in individuals as they become healthier and more confident is incredibly rewarding. It fuels my motivation and provides me with the strength to push through any difficulties that come my way.

Moreover, I believe that challenges are an inherent part of any meaningful journey. They serve as valuable learning opportunities and allow me to grow both personally and professionally. Instead of viewing challenges as setbacks, I approach them with a positive mindset, seeking solutions and strategies to overcome them.

I also draw strength from the support system around me, including my family, friends, and mentors. Their encouragement and belief in my abilities provide me with the motivation to persevere during tough times.

Additionally, I actively seek out like-minded individuals within the health and nutrition community who share my passion. Collaborating with them, sharing experiences, and learning from their journeys further inspires me to keep going.

Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?

First and foremost, my mother has been an incredible source of motivation for me. Her unwavering support, belief in my abilities, and constant encouragement have been instrumental in my journey. She has always been there for me, providing guidance, strength, and love, and her presence continues to inspire me to strive for greatness.

In addition to my mother, my faith in my heavenly father plays a significant role in motivating me. Believing in a higher power and having a sense of purpose gives me the strength to overcome challenges and stay focused on my goals. Knowing that I am not alone in my journey and that there is divine guidance and support fuels my determination.

My husband is another important source of motivation in my life. He has been a pillar of support, always believing in me and cheering me on. His love, encouragement, and belief in my abilities provide me with the confidence to pursue my dreams. Having a partner who understands my passions and stands by my side motivates me to work even harder and strive for success.

Lastly, my child is a constant source of motivation and inspiration. Witnessing their innocence, joy, and limitless potential reminds me of the importance of my work. I want to set a positive example for them, showing them the value of hard work, dedication, and pursuing one’s passions. Knowing that my efforts can contribute to their happiness and well-being fuels my drive to succeed.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person? 

There are a few:

> Continuous learning

> Embracing challenges

> Reflecting and self-assessment

> Seeking feedback

> Stepping out of my comfort zone

> Building a supportive network

> Practicing self care

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

– Clear goals

– Persistence and resilience

– Continuous learning

– Effective time management

– Network and Collaboration

– Resonating with passion and purpose

Nikita Arora Juneja

What advice would you give to our readers?

Here is the 5 pointer advice I would give to the readers:

Consider Entrepreneurship: If you have a passion or a business idea, consider taking the path of entrepreneurship rather than solely relying on a job. Being an entrepreneur allows you to pursue your dreams, take charge of your own success, and have a greater level of control over your professional journey. It may involve risks and challenges, but it can also offer immense rewards and personal fulfilment.

Embrace Boldness: Don’t let societal expectations or gender norms hold you back. Be bold and courageous in pursuing your aspirations, regardless of your gender. Break barriers, challenge stereotypes, and believe in your abilities. Trust your intuition, take calculated risks, and be willing to step outside your comfort zone. Embracing boldness opens up opportunities and empowers you to reach your full potential.

Support Your Family: No matter what path you choose, it is important to support your family. Find a balance between pursuing your dreams and being there for your loved ones. Family support and well-being should be a priority, as they play a significant role in your personal and professional journey. Maintain open communication, show gratitude, and find ways to contribute to their happiness and success.

Promote Health and Help Others: Make it a priority to promote health and well-being, not only for yourself but also for those around you. Educate yourself on nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being, and strive to lead a healthy lifestyle. Share your knowledge and experiences with others, support and motivate them on their own health journeys. Making a positive impact on people’s lives brings a sense of fulfilment and creates a ripple effect of well-being.

Follow Your Dreams: Don’t be afraid to chase your dreams and follow your passions. Identify what truly ignites your soul and drives your enthusiasm. Set clear goals, create a plan, and take consistent action towards achieving them. Remember that success is not always immediate, and there may be obstacles along the way. Stay focused, stay motivated, and persevere, knowing that the fulfilment of your dreams is worth the effort.

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

Being able to provide support and assistance to my family is incredibly fulfilling. Whether it’s through financial stability, emotional support, or helping them achieve their own goals, knowing that I have made a positive impact on their lives brings me great satisfaction.

As an entrepreneur, the ability to build and grow my own business has been immensely rewarding. It provides me with a sense of accomplishment, as I have been able to create something meaningful and impactful.

The freedom and autonomy that come with entrepreneurship allow me to pursue my passions and make decisions that align with my vision.

Attaining the goals I have set for myself brings a deep sense of satisfaction. Whether it’s reaching milestones in my career, personal growth, or health and fitness, knowing that I have worked hard and achieved what I set out to do fuels a sense of pride and accomplishment.

A happy and healthy family is a significant source of satisfaction for me. Being able to create an environment where my loved ones can thrive, support one another, and experience joy and fulfilment is incredibly rewarding. Seeing my family members flourish in their own pursuits and share in our collective happiness brings me immense satisfaction and contentment.

Making a positive impact on people’s lives and helping them achieve their ideal weight and overall well-being is a source of great satisfaction. Knowing that I have played a role in their transformation and contributed to their health and happiness brings a deep sense of fulfilment. Witnessing their success and seeing the positive changes they experience is truly rewarding.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Radhika Sapra Sahni | Celebrity Nutritionist and Dietitian | Influencer

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