How to Successfully Manage Your Outsourced Team with a BPO Company

business process outsourcing

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is shifting the work culture, requiring businesses to adapt to the unique challenges of managing an external team. From evaluating the right provider to training and development, we will provide you with the essential strategies to make the most out of your collaboration with your outsourcing partners.

Finding the Right BPO Company

Use this five-way test for evaluating the capabilities of a potential BPO partner –

1. Assess Competence In Managing Your Outsourced TeamEvaluate management skills, including communication and leadership style, industry expertise, experience, and reputation.

2. Align expectations, values, and culture-fitCheck for alignment with your business philosophy and ethics, including regulations that govern your industry.

3. Check For Workflow EfficiencyEnsure systems and tools, such as quality control measures, access to the latest software and hardware, and sufficient IT bandwidth, are in place.

4. Evaluate Capabilities For Meeting Desired OutcomesLook for a partner that can provide customized solutions, adjust to your evolving requirements, and provide you with regular performance updates.

5. Establish Trust And Reliability In The PartnershipFinally, verifying the track record of success, certifications, and commitment to excellence is crucial.

Defining Roles and Expectations

Avoid any confusion or misunderstandings that may arise during the project. Here are some valuable tips to get started –

1. Document and define the scope of work, roles, and responsibilities for your internal and outsourced teams, including deadlines and deliverables.

2. Use project management software to track progress and ensure everyone is on the same page.

3. Establish regular check-ins to discuss progress, any issues or concerns, and provide feedback.

4. Set performance metrics and communicate them clearly so they know what is expected of them.

5. Provide training to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills to complete the work to your standards.

Building Trust and Relationships

Foster healthy collaboration and communication with your outsourced team by applying the following tactics:

Regular Team MeetingsDiscuss ongoing projects, address concerns, and provide updates on your business goals to build a rapport with your outsourced team.

Social ActivitiesConsider organizing social activities like team-building exercises to create a more friendly work environment.

Feedback and Recognition Acknowledge and reward outstanding work through regular performance reviews.

Cultural AwarenessBe aware of cultural differences between your and outsourced teams to build trust and avoid misunderstandings.

Managing Performance and Quality

When it comes to monitoring the performance of your outsourced team, you can use a few strategies to ensure that they deliver high-quality work.

Set Clear Goals And ExpectationsBefore working with an outsourced team, ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objectives.

Measure Progress Is your outsourced team on track to meet your goals? Set milestones and deadlines and regularly review progress against these targets.

Provide Feedback and CoachingIf you notice that your outsourced team needs to meet expectations, do regular checkups on specific tasks or projects or offer training to improve performance.

Use Performance MetricsMeasure the performance of your outsourced team on indicators such as productivity, efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction.


Outsourcing can be an exciting business opportunity. However, success requires careful planning, execution, and attention to the following key strategies:

  • Clearly defining roles, expectations, and communication channels

  • Building trust and positive relationships for better collaboration and productivity.

  • Regularly monitoring performance and providing feedback and coaching to ensure high-quality work.

By applying these strategies, you can successfully engage a BPO company and achieve business goals efficiently and effectively.

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