Interview with Dr Renu Goswami | Transformational Communication and Career Coach | Author | ICF Certified Life Coach | NLP | Public Speaker | TESOL

Dr Renu Goswami

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Dr Renu Goswami for an exclusive interview with us. She is an Entrepreneur, Leader, Transformational Communication & Career Coach, Author, ICF Certified Life Coach, NLP, Public Speaker and TESOL. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, her background, and her advice for our growing community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Dr Renu:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

A force of transformation in communication and coaching. With a PhD in English, I’m not just a coach; I’m a certified life changer. My story isn’t a typical academic journey. I was born into a dynamic blend of Punjab and Nagaland, a cultural fusion cocktail.

With roots deeply entrenched in the Army, diversity is my heartbeat. A science graduate turned MBA professional, danced in the HR world for eight years before realizing the true calling lay elsewhere. As an Army officer’s wife, I sought a path that aligned with my values and passions.

Diving into the world of teaching with fervour. From schools to colleges, I have been a guiding light, mentor, and a coach for over a decade. But settling for mediocrity was never my style. Constantly upskilling, I’m a relentless learner, always striving to be the best version of myself. My journey is a testament to perseverance, from clearing rigorous exams like CTET and CSB to earning my MA in English and eventually, my coveted PhD.

Now, armed with expertise in TESOL, ICF certification in life coaching, and NLP therapy, I’m not just breaking barriers; I’m shattering them. I’m here to rewriting the script of my own life and empowering others to do the same.

Dr Renu Goswami

How did you discover your passion? 

My passion found me in the most unexpected places. While I was content climbing the corporate ladder as a Senior HR Manager, teaching was never on my radar. But life had other plans, especially being an Army wife and the need to balance my career with my son’s happiness.

It was a twist of fate when every school interview I attended pointed me towards English teaching. It was like the universe nudging me in the right direction. And boy, did it feel right! The recognition and appreciation from students and parents ignited something within me.

Transitioning wasn’t easy, but it was undeniably my calling. Thanks to the pandemic, I leveled up my tech skills, transforming into a Transformational Communication Coach. Drawing from my HR background and expertise in behavioral competencies, I now guide professionals towards career success, polished public speaking, and masterful presentations.

But I don’t stop there. With tools from Life Coaching and NLP Therapy, I empower the next generation of professionals to unlock their full potential. It’s not just about teaching English anymore; it’s about shaping lives and futures.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

When the going gets tough, I rely on my inner strength and unwavering belief in myself. Instead of pointing fingers or dwelling on setbacks, I turn inward, fueling my resilience with positive affirmations.

Sure, there are moments when I want to lay blame at the feet of those who let me down, like those pesky business coaches who overpromised and underdelivered. But dwelling on regret won’t get me anywhere.

So, I channel that frustration into motivation, reminding myself that I’m the captain of my own ship. With determination as my compass, I navigate through rough waters, emerging stronger and more determined than ever before.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

In the school of life, I’ve earned some hard-hitting lessons:

> Sales and Marketing Reign Supreme: It’s not just about delivering value; it’s about making sure people see it. In a world saturated with options on the Digital Platform, the spotlight doesn’t always find the most deserving. That’s where the power of sales and marketing swoops in, shining a light on what truly matters.

> Perfection is Paralysis: Guilty as charged! I’ve learned the hard way that chasing perfection can be a one-way ticket to stagnation. Waiting for everything to be flawless before taking action? It’s a recipe for inertia. Embracing imperfection and forging ahead, flaws and all, now that’s where the magic happens.

> Goals, Goals, Goals: Clarity is king! Setting clear goals with bullet train precision is my secret sauce. But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about the destination; it’s about the journey fueled by your life’s purpose. When you’re driven by a higher calling, every step forward becomes a leap towards your destiny.

In your opinion, what are the keys to success?

Unlocking the door to success isn’t about shortcuts; it’s about embracing the journey with gusto.

Here’s the lowdown on what it takes:

– Find Your Ikigai: Your sweet spot lies in resonance with your Ikigai. That’s your driving force, your reason to leap out of bed each morning. Stick to your goals like glue, no matter how simple they seem. It’s all about perseverance and staying the course with unshakeable consistency.

– Pause, Reflect, Learn: Ever heard the saying, “Look back to move forward”? Well, it’s gospel truth. Take those pit stops along the road to success. Pause, reflect, and soak in the lessons from your past. That’s the secret sauce to self-awareness and growth.

– Invest in YOU: Here’s the real MVP—YOU! Know yourself inside out. It’s like being your own best friend, but with insider knowledge. And hey, don’t skimp on the upgrades! Invest in upskilling and dive into the world of books. Trust me, it’s the investment that keeps on giving, once you experience it for yourself.

Dr Renu Goswami

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

Here’s the scoop for all you students and young professionals itching for a taste of success:

Discover Your Ikigai: Find that sweet spot where your passion, mission, vocation, and profession collide. Your Ikigai is your North Star, guiding you towards a career that feels less like work and more like a calling. Once you’ve got that locked in, stick to your goals like glue. Perseverance and consistency are your ride-or-die companions on this journey.

Embrace the Journey: Success isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. Along the way, don’t forget to hit the brakes every once in a while. Pause, reflect, and soak in the lessons from your past. That’s how you level up your self-awareness and fine-tune your game plan for the future.

Invest in YOU: You’re the CEO of your own success story, so treat yourself like the VIP you are. Get to know yourself inside and out. Invest in upskilling, whether it’s through courses, workshops, or diving headfirst into a mountain of books. Trust me, the dividends of self-investment are worth every penny.

So, there you have it—your roadmap to success. Buckle up, stay hungry, and get ready to conquer the world!


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Nandhini Ravichandran | Behavioral and Leadership Coach | POSH Facilitator | Founder at Nurture

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