Interview with Kavita Patel | Author | Image Consultant | POSH Enabler | Life Coach | Soft Skills Trainer | Influencer

Kavita Patel

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to identify and share some of the unique and compelling stories from the startup ecosystem. As part of this, we invited Kavita Patel for an interview with BrilliantRead Media. Kavita is a Leader, Author, Entrepreneur, Life Coach, Mentor, Image Consultant, Trainer, Influencer and Change Enabler. Lets learn more about her background, her inspiring journey so far and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Kavita:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey so far?

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with a diverse range of individuals, each with their own unique stories, goals, and aspirations. Guiding and empowering them on their personal and professional journeys has been a truly gratifying experience.

As an educator, I have witnessed the transformation and growth of my students. Seeing them gain new knowledge, develop essential skills, and achieve their academic goals has been incredibly rewarding. Being able to contribute to their learning and personal development has filled me with a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

In my role as a certified soft skill trainer, I have had the opportunity to help individuals enhance their interpersonal skills, communication abilities, leadership qualities, and emotional intelligence.

Witnessing the positive impact of these skills on their lives, relationships, and careers has been incredibly satisfying. It is truly inspiring to see individuals unlock their full potential and thrive in various aspects of their lives.”

As a life coach, I have had the privilege of supporting individuals in navigating life’s challenges, setting meaningful goals, and discovering their true passions. Being a part of their journey towards personal growth, self-discovery, and empowerment has been both humbling and fulfilling. Seeing them overcome obstacles, gain clarity, and create positive changes in their lives has been a constant source of motivation and joy.

In addition, as an aspiring image consultant, I am excited about helping individuals cultivate their personal style, enhance their confidence, and make a positive impression. The potential to empower individuals by aligning their outward appearance with their inner selves is an area of great interest and fulfilment for me.

Overall, my journey as an educator, certified soft skill trainer, life coach, and aspiring image consultant has been a remarkable one. The opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others, witness their growth and transformation, and help them achieve their goals is an incredible privilege.

I am grateful for the experiences and lessons learned along the way, and I am excited to continue this journey of empowerment and inspiration.”


Could you please share with us about your new book ‘Vodka on Rocks with Pobby’?

Vodka on Rocks with Pobby is a captivating new book that takes readers on a journey into the lives of a diverse group of women, whose stories are intertwined through their encounters in a place called ‘Den.’

The title of the book holds symbolic significance as it explores the essential role of ice in vodka and draws parallels between the tempering effect of ice on the fiery spirit and the solace and liberation the women find within the chilled confines of ‘Den.’

The presence of Pobby, much like the ice in vodka, brings a refreshing coolness to the women’s lives, encouraging them to engage in conversations filled with honesty and vulnerability. These interactions create a powerful bond that transcends societal boundaries and allows the women to delve into their shared struggles and triumphs.

The book is a rich tapestry of interconnected stories that captivate the imagination and evoke deep emotions. It delves into the human experience, reminding us that, just as ice in vodka reveals its true strength and resilience, it is within the moments of connection and shared vulnerability that our own strength and resilience are revealed.”

With its enticing title and compelling narrative, “Vodka on Rocks with Pobby” promises to take readers on an intoxicating journey that leaves them refreshed, inspired, and yearning for more. It explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the power of human connection, inviting readers to reflect on their own lives and the transformative potential of shared experiences.

Kavita Patel

What is one strategy that you believe has helped you grow as a person?

One strategy that has greatly contributed to my personal growth as an author is the practice of embracing vulnerability. Writing a book requires pouring your thoughts, ideas, and emotions onto the page and sharing them with the world.

It can be a daunting and vulnerable experience, as it involves putting yourself out there and being open to criticism and feedback.

However, by embracing vulnerability, I have found that I am able to connect with readers on a deeper level. When we share our authentic selves and experiences, it resonates with others and creates a genuine connection.

This vulnerability allows readers to relate to the characters and themes in my book, and it fosters a sense of empathy and understanding.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

> Embrace Authenticity: One of the most important lessons I have learned is the value of embracing my authentic self. I have come to understand that being true to my own values, beliefs, and passions is crucial.

I have learned not to compromise my identity for the sake of others’ expectations. Embracing authenticity allows me to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life, and it resonates with readers who seek genuine connections through my writing.

> Embrace Failure as Growth: Another crucial lesson I have learned is to view failure as an opportunity for growth. Writing a book involves countless challenges and setbacks, but I have realized that each obstacle presents a chance to learn, improve, and refine my craft.

Embracing failure as a natural part of the creative process enables me to approach it with resilience and determination. It has been through my failures that I have experienced the most significant personal and professional growth.

> Cultivate Empathy and Connection: The third important lesson I have learned is the power of empathy and human connection. Through my writing, I have come to realize the impact of creating characters and stories that resonate with readers on an emotional level.

I have learned to cultivate empathy and seek to understand others’ experiences, as this fosters a deeper connection with my audience.”

This lesson extends beyond writing—it encourages me to approach relationships and interactions with compassion, understanding, and a genuine desire to connect with others.

We know that you are continuously engaged in helping others achieve their goals. Why do you do that?

I am deeply committed to helping others achieve their goals because I believe in the power of knowledge, support, and encouragement.

Throughout my journey as an author, I have encountered numerous challenges and obstacles, and I understand the importance of having someone by your side, providing guidance and motivation.

I do it because I genuinely care about the growth and success of others. Witnessing someone achieve their goals and fulfil their potential brings me immense joy and fulfilment.

I find great satisfaction in being a source of inspiration and providing the tools and resources needed to help others navigate their own paths to success.”

Moreover, I believe in the ripple effect of kindness and support. By assisting others in reaching their goals, I contribute to creating a positive and empowering environment where everyone can thrive. It is my way of giving back and making a meaningful impact in the lives of others.

Ultimately, helping others achieve their goals aligns with my core values and brings a sense of purpose and fulfilment to my own life. It is a privilege to be part of someone’s journey and to witness their growth and accomplishments.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Adite Sareen | Tarot Reader | Manifestation Coach

BrilliantRead is committed to bringing stories from the startup ecosystem, stories that reshape our perspective, add value to our community and be a constant source of motivation not just for our community but also for the whole ecosystem of entrepreneurs and aspiring individuals.
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