5 Personality Traits to be a Successful Entrepreneur

5 Personality Traits to be a Successful Entrepreneur

The one question successful business people are asked most often is what the key traits to their success are, and while there are many different answers to that, we’ve incorporated five of the most popular answers in this article for you. Let’s start with a vision and how important that is.


While we appreciate the Marvel superhero, we are actually talking about foresight – knowing what you are going to need ahead of the time that you are going to need it. Especially useful if you are switching career paths, never underestimate the value of a good education in the field you are going to be switching into. That doesn’t matter when you go back to study something either, because the study is just as valuable at fifty as it is at fifteen. There may be fewer opportunities for supports as a result so make sure to explore private student loans from private lenders alongside student finance options, because formal education is definitely a head start. Knowing what qualifications you need and having the vision to get through college to graduate with top marks is essential if you’re going to become the best entrepreneur you can be.

Work Ethic

Having a strong work ethic is essential. This isn’t necessarily sitting down and hammering away at a project for hours on end, or working every weekend available, it’s about putting the effort into your job – whatever it may be. If you are working on a startup, this is even more necessary as you have to work twice as hard to get half the recognition and traction, so make sure you have your game face on when you’re in the office.


A critical piece of the puzzle is creativity because without being able to come up with different methods of attacking the same problem, you will just keep coming up against the same obstacles. If you are lacking this trait, there are other solutions to consider like hiring outside of your normal circle, getting in touch with industry experts, and using your local community, either online or offline, to resource new talent. Those who are unwilling to change usually stagnate as well – it’s why big names like Uber swept aside competition because they changed how their industry operates.


Passion for your career field is what will keep you going long after the candles burn out and you can see the sunrise coming up outside your building. Having passion is not about loving every single element of your business as we all have things we’re not good at and things we’d like to avoid. It’s about being genuinely excited about a project, and not just about the paycheck. It’s about having an interest in what’s happening in the marketplace and being enthusiastic about the future.

Easygoing Attitude

While you do need to be the driving force behind your team and show leadership traits, you need to get the balance of boss vs. work colleague right. Having an easygoing attitude outside of the office and in specific situations within the office will stand in your favour. We’re talking about those times when an employee is five minutes late due to a heavy pile-up on the highway. Don’t be that boss who belittles them because of something that was totally out of their control.


Please don’t forget to read – 4 Success Stories Every Entrepreneur Must Read

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