55 Best Zen Quotes and Sayings to Simplify Life

Best Zen Quotes Motivational life meditation death Top 10

Zen Quotes

What is Zen?

Zen is a Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism. It emphasizes the value and importance of meditation and intuition rather than ritual worship or study of scriptures. It focuses on exercising rigorous self-control, practicing meditation, insight into Buddhism, gratitude. helping others and being in the present moment.

Many Successful personalities have studied and advocate its teachings.


BrilliantRead has compiled the following  life-changing Zen Quotes for you:


1st of 55 Best Zen Quotes and Sayings

Nothing ever exists entirely alone. Everything is in relation to everything else.” – Buddha

Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine.” – Shunryu Suzuki

Watch what you say, and whatever you say, practice it.” -Soyen Shaku


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For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.” – Thích Nhat Hanh

To follow the path, look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.” – Zen Proverb

Only when you can be extremely pliable and soft can you be extremely hard and strong.” – Zen Proverb

When I feel like dancing, I dance. I don’t care if anyone else is dancing or if everyone else is laughing at me. I dance.” – Rachel Danson



To accept some idea of truth without experiencing it is like a painting of a cake on paper which you cannot eat.” – Suzuki Roshi

Upon retiring, sleep as if you had entered your last sleep. Upon awakening, leave your bed behind you instantly as if you had cast away a pair of old shoes.” – Soyen Shaku


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Let go over a cliff, die completely, and then come back to life — after that, you cannot be deceived.” – Zen Proverb

Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.” – Eckhart Tolle

Have good trust in yourself … not in the One that you think you should be, but in the One that you are.” – Maezumi Roshi

The practice of Zen is forgetting the self in the act of uniting with something.” -Koun Yamada



One must be deeply aware of the impermanence of the world.” – Dogen


15th of 55 Zen Quotes

“Zazen is an activity that is an extension of the universe. Zazen is not the life of an individual, it’s the universe that’s breathing.”- Dogen

As a bee gathering nectar does not harm or disturb the color & fragrance of the flower; so do the wise move through the world.”- Buddha

“There is no mistake in nature.”- Byron Katie

“You’re never given more pain than you can handle. You never, ever get more than you can take.”- Byron Katie

And when they played they really played. And when they worked they really worked.” – Dr. Seuss

“No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.”- Zen Quotes

Zen Quotes

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“At the still-point in the center of the circle, one can see the infinite in all things.”- Chuang Tzu

“Learning Zen is a phenomenon of gold & dung. Before you learn it, it’s like gold; after you learn it, it’s like dung.”- Zen Proverb

“To follow the path, look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.”- Zen Quotes

“Only when you can be extremely pliable and soft can you be extremely hard and strong.”- Zen Proverb

“Let go over a cliff, die completely, and then come back to life — after that, you cannot be deceived.”- Zen Proverb

“Heaven & earth & I are of the same root. Ten thousand things & I are of one substance.”- Sêng-chao


27th of 55 Zen Quotes

“Nothing ever exists entirely alone. Everything is in relation to everything else.”- Buddha

Zen Quotes

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.”- Thich Nhat Hanh

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.”- Eckhart Tolle

“Guilt, regret, resentment, sadness & all forms of unforgiveness are caused by too much past & not enough presence.”- Eckhart Tolle


Do Read – 41 Best Inspirational Goal Setting Quotes (Having Goals)


“When you are present, you can allow the mind to be as it is without getting entangled in it.”- Eckhart Tolle

“To understand everything is to forgive everything”- Gautama Siddhartha

“No thought, no reflection, no analysis, no cultivation, no intention; let it settle itself.”- Tilopa

“Why is the tao so valuable? Because it is everywhere, and everyone can use it. This is why those who seek will find.”- Lao Tzu

When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.” – Shunryu Suzuki

“I cannot tell you any spiritual truth that you don’t know already. All I can do is remind you of what you have forgotten.”- Eckhart Tolle

“The resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of suffering.”- Ram Dass

Zen Quotes


“The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness.”- Eric Hoffer

“Have good trust in yourself not in the One that you think you should be, but in the One that you are.”- Maezumi Roshi


40th of 55 Best Zen Quotes

“When you hear that all beings are Buddha, don’t fall into the error of thinking there’s more than one Buddha.”- Zen Graffiti

“The practice of Zen is forgetting the self in the act of uniting with something.”- Koun Yamada

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.”- Alan Watts

“You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.”- Alan Watts

“The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.”- Dogen

“I have lived with several Zen masters — all of them cats.”- Eckhart Tolle

“All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.”- Eckhart Tolle


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“Every being is in search of truth, but small fears go on preventing you.”- Osho

“The greatest effort is not concerned with results.”- Atisha

Zen Quotes sayings proverbs lessons teaching


“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”- Alan Watts


50th of 55 Motivational Zen Quotes

“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.”- Alan Watts

“Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.”- Eckhart Tolle


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“To accept some idea of truth without experiencing it is like a painting of a cake on paper which you cannot eat.”- Suzuki Roshi

“Zen has no business with ideas.”- D.T. Suzuki

“Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.”- Alan Watts


55th of 55 Motivational Zen Quotes

“The menu is not the meal.”- Alan Watts



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