45 Best Desmond Tutu Quotes on Life and Forgiveness

Desmond Tutu Quotes

Desmond Tutu Quotes


Desmond M Tutu  (born 7 October 1931) is a South African anti-apartheid and social rights activist, He is also an Anglican clergyman and theologian


Here are the best Desmond Tutu Quotes:

My first point seems overwhelmingly simple: that the accidents of birth and geography determine to a very large extent to what faith we belong.” ― Desmond Tutu

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” ― Desmond Tutu

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Order to truly forgive oneself, one must either explicitly or implicitly acknowledge that one’s behavior was wrong and accept responsibility or blame for such behavior.” ― Desmond Tutu

Without forgiveness, there’s no future.” ― Desmond Tutu

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The quality of human life on our planet is nothing more than the sum total of our daily interactions with one another. Each time we help, and each time we harm, we have a dramatic impact on our world.” ― Desmond Tutu

“Though wrong gratifies in the moment, good yields its gifts over a lifetime.” ― Desmond Tutu

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“We are made for love. If we don’t love, we will be like plants without water.” ― Desmond Tutu

 Desmond Tutu Quotes

Somewhere deep inside us, we seem to know that we are destined for something better than strife “― Desmond Tutu

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“Forgiving is not forgetting; it’s actually remembering–remembering and not using your right to hit back. Its a second chance for a new beginning. And the remembering part is particularly important. Especially if you don’t want to repeat what happened.” ― Desmond Tutu

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” ― Desmond Tutu

“We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.” ― Desmond Tutu

“My father always used to say, “Don’t raise your voice. Improve your argument.” Good sense does not always lie with the loudest shouters, nor can we say that a large, unruly crowd is always the best arbiter of what is right.” ― Desmond Tutu

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“Forgiving and being reconciled to our enemies or our loved ones are not about pretending that things are other than they are. It is not about patting one another on the back and turning a blind eye to the wrong. True reconciliation exposes the awfulness, the abuse, the hurt, the truth. It could even sometimes make things worse. It is a risky undertaking but in the end, it is worthwhile because, in the end, only an honest confrontation with reality can bring real healing. Superficial reconciliation can bring only superficial healing.” ― Desmond Tutu

“Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another.” ― Desmond Tutu

“Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.”― Desmond Tutu

“When we see others as the enemy, we risk becoming what we hate. When we oppress others, we end up oppressing ourselves. All of our humanity is dependent upon recognizing the humanity in others.” ― Desmond Tutu

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“If you want to make peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.” ― Desmond Tutu

“When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, “Let us pray.” We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.” ― Desmond Tutu

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“In the end what matters is not how good we are but how good God is. Not how much we love Him but how much He loves us. And God loves us whoever we are, whatever we’ve done or failed to do, whatever we believe or can’t.” ― Desmond Tutu

None of us comes into the world fully formed. We would not know how to think, or walk, or speak, or behave as human beings unless we learned it from other human beings. We need other human beings in order to be human. I am because other people are. A person is entitled to a stable community life, and the first of these communities is the family.” ― Desmond Tutu

“Religion is like a knife: you can either use it to cut bread or stick in someone’s back.”― Desmond Tutu

“A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.” ― Desmond Tutu

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“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” ― Desmond Tutu

“Dear Child of God, I am sorry to say that suffering is not optional.” ― Desmond Tutu

“Language is very powerful. It does not just describe reality. It creates the reality it describes.” ― Desmond Tutu

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”― Desmond Tutu

“Like when you sit in front of a fire in winter, you are just there in front of the fire. You don’t have to be smart or anything. The fire warms you.” ― Desmond Tutu

“Out of the cacophony of random suffering and chaos that can mark a human life, the life artist sees or creates a symphony of meaning and order. A life of wholeness does not depend on what we experience. Wholeness depends on how we experience our lives.” ― Desmond Tutu

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“There is nothing more difficult than waking someone who is only pretending to be asleep.” ― Desmond Tutu

 Desmond Tutu Quotes

“If you want to keep people subjugated, the last thing you place in their hands is a Bible. There’s nothing more radical, nothing more revolutionary, nothing more subversive against injustice and oppression than the Bible.” ― Desmond Tutu

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“We are made for goodness, love, friendliness, togetherness. For all of the beautiful things that you and I know. We are made to tell the world that there are no outsiders. All are welcome: black, white, red, yellow, rich, poor, educated, not educated, male, female, gay, straight, all, all, all. We all belong to this family, this human family, God’s family.” ― Desmond Tutu

“A person is a person through other persons; you can’t be human in isolation; you are human only in relationships.” ― Desmond Tutu

“It is through weakness and vulnerability that most of us learn empathy and compassion and discover our soul.” ― Desmond Tutu,

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“We must be ready to learn from one another therefore not claiming that we alone possess all truth and that somehow we have a corner on God.” ― Desmond Tutu

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“Our maturity will be judged by how well we are able to agree to disagree and yet continue to love one another and to care for one another, and cherish one another and seek the greater good of the other.” ― Desmond Tutu

“Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring.” ― Desmond Tutu

“To be neutral in a situation of injustice is to have chosen sides already. It is to support the status quo.” ― Desmond Tutu

“Be nice to whites, they need you to rediscover their humanity.” ― Desmond Tutu

“God is not a diversion.” ― Desmond Tutu


“To forgive is not just to be altruistic.” ― Desmond Tutu,

“Life is more than breath and a heartbeat; meaning and purpose are the life of life.” ― Desmond Tutu,

Desmond Tutu Quotes life love forgiveness

 Last of Desmond Tutu Quotes

“True peace must be anchored in justice and an unwavering commitment to universal rights for all humans, regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, national origin or any other identity attribute.” ― Desmond Tutu

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